What am I up to? Making some ‘dirt’ out of old cookies,

and planting some ‘seedlings’

to make Earth Day cupcakes.

Dirt is yummy!

The other day I asked The Bigs to go for a walk after dinner and then I made them run ladders. On Saturday I biked 7 miles while they tried to keep up

and then I practiced swimming.

On Sunday, when The Bigs were supposed to be convalescing after their second vaccine shot, I had Hadley over in the morning and Issac and Lex in the afternoon. I NEVER get tired. The Bigs, they do, and today, they were really tired.

We did eat stuff besides cupcakes. Spinach linguine with basil-cilantro pesto and artichokes:

almond cookies,

tamarind lentils,

spinach linguine with white wine sauce,

and a little creation of mine – toasted bagel with peanut butter and dried apples.

Earth day cupcakes. That’s a new one for me. Glad they were yummy. You don’t ever stop! The poor bigs:< you are running them ragged. swimming and biking and having friends over. they are old you need to give them a rest. Where do you buy green linguine? It looks good but a bit too many peas for me. come out here for a visit. Pop will keep you busy.
Boy, Emmett you and Curtis my dog should get together! He never gets tired either, no matter how much we play or hike he is always up for more.
Love the worms! coming out of cupcakes! LOL! ❤️
That Spinach linguine with basil-cilantro pesto and artichokes looked pretty darn good. Have you started a garden yet?