Emmett Angus Rocks the Party Eight Days a Week!

President’s Day. No Growing Tree. I went to work at the COLLEGE. I wore a tie so the students knew I meant business. Mom and I started the day off with a donut.

The Bigs had a Happy Thursday. Great turns on a gorgeous day at Bachelor.

Friday night we stopped at Laughing Planet for dinner. They have an awesome dinosaur collection.

And some pretty neat dishes. Moroccan Bowl: baked tempeh, harissa-braised veggies, apricot mint couscous, and cherry apple chutney.

Harvest Bowl: quinoa, black beans, yams, sautéed kale, tempeh, avocado, cilantro-lime slaw, and pumpkin seeds.

On Saturday we tried hard to get the elusive rainbow chair on Rainbow lift. We missed it by one!

After skiing, I hit the playground for a little extra exercise.

A good ninja never stops pushing the limits.

Sometimes this makes The Bigs break.

Uncle Chris sent me this awesome Beastie Boy album.

Solid Gold Hits

I LOVED their outfits on the cover, so I dressed like a Beastie Boy on Saturday and made The Bigs listen to the album over and over.

We had some company at breakfast this morning. Chewbacca wanted some of my waffles, but I did not share.

Great Auntie Cheryl sent us a new cookbook. The Bigs have been busy making recipes. Waffles:


Dark chocolate cupcakes:

With camouflage frosting, of course (I was dissatisfied with the execution, but I kept it to myself):

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5 years ago

A rainbow lift chair?? Awesome. I hope you catch it one day soon. I think the second bowl sounded better than the first and how many little boys get to eat with dinosaurs. Waffles and pancakes?? Will I ever get some of them if I visit ?? I think the camouflage cupcakes looked great.
Stop skiing in snowstorms!!!

James F Cullion
James F Cullion
5 years ago

Parteeeeee till you drop! Like the rapper pose in front of the new Toyata! ❤️ Jim

Cheryl Cullion
Cheryl Cullion
5 years ago

I see the plant based diet has begun! Looks yummy!

5 years ago

They look like St Paddy Day cup cakes.

5 years ago

Another glorious week in Bend!!