
My teachers at the Branch Room love Smokey as much as I do.

We all wear our Smokey shirts on Fridays.

Getting ready to eat my chocolate duck (The Bigs went hollow this year. Cheapos).

Happy face:

Sad face:

Angry face:

Surprised face:

Silly face:

Messy (smoothie) face:

Embracing the latest pandemic fashion:

Working on some cards for my Grandparents:

Applying a coat of stain to our newly-constructed cornhole boards:

Getting the hang of my new baseball glove. Thanks, Pop!

Yet another delicious recipe from Cheryl’s cookbook, banana bread:

Palak dal:

More wheat sourdough bread:

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James F Cullion
James F Cullion
4 years ago

Looks like someone will be trying out for the Bend Elks 🦌 ⚾️ next season! ❤️

4 years ago

I’m a fan of the happy 😊 face.

4 years ago

Great faces M👍I’m very happy to see you have your mask to wear out in public though I would prefer you not to be out in public:( I liked the angry face.
I hope you have fun with your new glove. I’m sending you a picture of mommy when she played ball.

Cheryl Cullion
Cheryl Cullion
4 years ago
Reply to  Nan

Wow amazing faces, perhaps a budding actor!