First Great Nordeen

This week I prepared a charcuterie board for dinner. The Bigs questioned if this was really making dinner, but they sure did enjoy it. We had toasted nuts, smoked salmon, prosciutto, olive tapenade with seed crackers, crudités, and cheese.

Speaking of cheese, I discovered these marinated mozzarella balls at Costco. So good, I eat them right from the container in copious quantities.

Friday night was Desert Sky Montessori’s skate night. I had a blast.

The Mother was so happy there was a fire pit. It’s been very cold and snowy in Bend lately.

My Christmas gift from Auntie Cheryl was a USB microscope. I LOVE it and look at magnified images of all kinds of weird things. Today the subject was…a favorite of mine…a twenty dollar bill.

I had downhill training on Saturday. It was snowing. The lift broke when I was on it. The Bigs looked like glazed donuts. It was quite a day and there were no pictures because there was no way The Mother was taking her hand out of her glove!

Sunday morning was COLD…on the drive up the thermometer said 3! It was early, we had to be at the mountain for a 7:30 am cross country race start., so we were hoping it would warm up with sunrise. This was my first year doing The Great Nordeen. The Mother and I did the 18 kilometer (~10 miles) race and Dad did the 30 kilometer (18.6 miles).

Given the race length, The Mother thought she was going to have to provide encouragement to help me finish. Incorrect. I took off like someone was chasing me and never looked back. I passed adults, I tucked, I didn’t slow down until the finish … while The Mother made an all out effort to keep up!!!

The Mother almost forgot she did the race and should be in the picture too.

Here are the race results. The more observant of you will notice I’m listed as being 12. It is possible that 9 year olds were not eligible to race, but The Bigs chose not to ask. So, I raced as a 12 year old. 5th place against much older kids indicates they should let 9 year olds compete if they are The Emmett (which The Bigs knew).

Afterwards I had a celebratory kombucha and ginger molasses cookie at Thump.

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1 month ago

Another weekend and congratulations are in order. Skating looks good and so does the mozzarella 😊

James F Cullion
James F Cullion
1 month ago

I’ll take the molasses cookie over without the kombucha.🤢

Carol Cullion
Carol Cullion
1 month ago

Yum 😋 the board looked delicious and would be even better with mini wontons on it.
you are such a good skier ⛷️ I hope you are not getting reckless and staying in control.
congratulations on your score and I hope they never find out you aren’t 12🤭

1 month ago

How long were you stuck in the lift? Not a favorite spot to be stuck!!
Your charcuterie dinner board looked beautiful… and delicious.
Great results in the Great Nordeen! I wonder how exhausted you were at the end….?

1 month ago

Another great blog. However, it might have been nice to give Mom appropriate accolades for having come in second in her class. Congratulations Mom – that’s a Silver!!