Is it live or is it Memorex?

Helping with the fall yard clean up:

Another big LEGO week. Uncle Chris sent me a cool Star Wars Lego kit:

and Mom borrowed a simple machines kit – so I built a race car with a working transmission.

Dad built a box for the minivan. Why?

For us to sit in the car and have lunch after a hard ski (no COVID lodges for us, thank you).

Good thing he finished it. I worked up a big hunger this weekend. Look at all this snow!

There has been lots of moaning about aches and pains from The Bigs. I guess working from home without proper office chairs (among other things) has hurt them. Getting old must be rough. Anyway, I solved the problem. Here I am assembling their new office chairs.

I am so much more productive now!

Despite doing almost all the work around the house and solving The Bigs problems, I still had time to create. This is art.

You saw some of the prep for a few of this week’s meals last weekend. Here are the finished products. Tofu noodle soup:

and Indian mulligatwany stew:

I also made

broccoli and cheese risotto and pan-seared tempeh steaks with a chimichurri sauce

And Dad made a multigrain bread

and a super greens soup with lemon tarragon cream.

Where you listening to Smashing Pumpkins / All the Leaves are Brown / I’m Dreaming of A White Christmas / The Chair and Alice’s Restaurant?
Leaves and then snow? Glad that’s not here! do you ever sit still and give the bigs a rest?? Jumping, skiing, cooking and creating art and legos. I’m exhausted just looking at what they do with you. The only food I would even try would be dads bread. The rest was just a bit weird for me.
Have a good week and stay well.
Wow snow! We have had a few flakes but nothing you can ski in, I’m so envious and of course also of your cozy little car seat. I guess I will just have to sit outside in the snow when I ski. You’ve tried a lot of the recipes I want to cook, hope they were yummy. And building a leg car with a trnsmision, I can’t even spell that big word!
Another very active week with healthy eating – not Papa’s thing but healthy.
The Webb motto…”Work hard, play harder!” Love “car cafe” and the super greens soup! The sculpture “Pine Cones on Blue with Orange” is one of the best I’ve seen.