The Bigs FINALLY picked up on my hints. I started with some subtle ones in November. ‘Remember the fisherman sweater I had when I was in the Big Seed room? It was nice’. That did not work. It must have sunk in when I told Mom ‘I really want another fisherman sweater’.

It was Great Grandma Marie’s birthday this week. We made a gingerbread cake with lemon glaze to celebrate the big day. Happy birthday, GGMarie!

The Bigs went skiing without me again. Guess the karma lesson from last week didn’t make the impact I hoped for.

Check it out. I got a microscope.


Something is not right.

All better. I can’t believe I was using my microscope without my lab coat!

Take the ornaments off the tree. Take off all your clothes. Why not?

Hadley came over. We did some cooking.

We did not make lentil stew

or Dolsot bibimbap.

Mainly we just made a mess, but we had fun and that’s what counts, right?
We did more skiing this weekend. That was fun too.

So handsome in that fisherman’s sweater, no wondered you wanted another one.
I was wondering if I could have the recipe for that dish you made called the “mess”. Is it vegan?
You are a cutie M. A skinny one with many different facial expressions. Glad you got another fisherman sweater or the Bigs would never hear the end of it. Hadley is cute. Looks like you both had a fun time. I don’t want a recipe for any of those dishes thank you.
If you didn’t grow so much you wouldn’t need a new sweater. 🤪