Sweater day:

Exploring the woods at the Nordic center:

I had some candy money burning a hole in my wallet (thanks, Nan), so I hit the Market of Choice bulk section after skiing. So many choices:

I chose gummy worms, Swedish fish, cinnamon gummy bears (too spicy), and gummy frogs:

Counting out my money:

and getting my change:

Baking makes me thirsty. Not to worry, we have plenty of beer:

I saved another bottle for the recipe, cinnamon chocolate-chip beer bread:

After baking bread, I made some chana masala

and sumac pickled onions:

Yes, I have two saucepans going at the same time:

The finished products:

As if that weren’t enough, I also made some Valentine’s Day cookies:

Snowy Sunday:

Wish I was there for some of those Swedish fish.
What a busy guy – from breaking nordic trails for the Bigs to cooking the meals. What’s could be next?