Hiking Machine

We had a quiet week. Mountain biking class was cancelled because police had closed the trailhead! The Bigs had already left work early to take me, so we rerouted to a new trailhead and road together. There was much grumbling about paying for 5 classes and only getting 3 (next week is cancelled too!) from the cheap one (Mom), but we did have fun.

I did some gardening this week. I took care of an out of control japanese willow.

I also hiked to the top of Black Butte. There were wildflowers (and people) everywhere.

There were also great views.

The Bigs lost count of how many adults I passed on the hike up today. Let’s just say it was in excess of 10. Mom is a little concerned about being able to keep up with me going forward.

One time with Mt. Jefferson in the background

and one time without.

I’m as tall as the fire tower :).

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1 year ago

A regular naturalist. I’m with Mom they need to give you some money back.

1 year ago

Another busy weekend and thankfully nice weather. Views were awesome. Mom has to keep up. who would take all the great photos if she couldn’t? I hope you were able to get that Japanese willow into great shape😊

1 year ago

I remember (I think) hiking to the top of Black Butte with you, Em, some years ago. At that time, you did the hike on your Dad’s back just taking it easy.