I am determined to hike South Sister – an 11.5 mile round trip hike with 4900 feet of climbing. The Bigs took me on a training hike. We climbed Mt. Bachelor. Eight miles round trip and 2700 feet of climbing. I did it no problem.

Nan, does this count as a heart stone?

I’m also pretty into tennis these days. I even bought myself a sweatband so I could look like the guys at the US Open.

Dad made New Roots’ “Life Changing Loaf of Bread” this week. Didn’t work – life around here is the same.

I was inspired and made up a bread recipe. It had oats, bananas, walnuts, currents, and cinnamon. It was pretty good!

I had my yearly check up with Dr. Mills. She always asks me if I eat the rainbow, so I took a picture of my dinner to bring to my appointment. Rainbow? Check.

And then, I made this pizza for lunch one day. I used a tortilla, put some cheese, shredded pork, and red onion. Delicious!

Tasty looking bread. Good job on your hike, what ‘s 3.5 miles more-really. Shouldn’t you be wearing “O’s” on your caps?
Good job on the hiking but what kind of trail is called Marshmallow? Sounds a little soft too me. I’m in for the pizza. Looks delicious. Forehand swing looks pretty good.
All very impressive. South Sister will be a cakewalk with all this training. What is a “cakewalk?” Tennis form looks great but Pop is the expert in that area. Taking any time out for school?
Hiking was great but you standing by the edge on your tip toes gives me great stress!!!
Very nice picture of the three of you. Yes the sure does count as a heart stone. Thank you for taking the picture for me.. Your pizza was a great idea and the banana, oatmeal, etc., bread seemed more like a delicious power bar😏😍
Your rainbow dinner and that pizza look fabulous! I kinda had the same thoughts going through my mind as Nan did, with the pic of you standing at the edge … but it is a great view!