Does anything say summer like watermelon? Yes, cantaloupe… which is my favorite melon… but not the Mother’s so watermelon it is.

I was busy this week. I gave a lot of massages.

Made a gourmet meal of

chicken marbella

and sweet potato mash with lime salsa (Ok, Mom made the veg, no way would I choose that one).

I also did some paddle boarding on Sparks Lake. New this time – no tow from Dad. I paddled all 5 miles myself!

And I unloaded an entire yard of mulch from the truck.

With all that work, I sleep pretty hard – resulting in hair like this.

No one notices my hair though, they are more interested in my power clash clothing choices.

Other food this week included carrot salad with yogurt and cinnamon:

and slow-roasted lamb shoulder with mint and cumin:

You are always so busy! 5 miles paddle boarding! Didn’t your arms hurt? I guess not since you were able to unload all that mulch. The yard looks just lovely. Everyones effort was well worth it. I am going to make your chicken dinner. It looks delish. I also liked the look of the lamb dinner. Lamb is a favorite of mine. I could use a massage after working in the yard but I don’t have a nice little boy to give one☹️
Another busy week. Em, I’m with you – my favorite is cantaloupe as well.
It looks like you have a good balance some work some fun and good eating.
Not so sure about you wardrobe 😂
The chicken and lamb dishes look yummy… your culinary repertoire is really expanding! Great job on your paddle boarding… I loved the action photos of you leaping from board to water! What fun!
The chicken and lamb dinners look yummy–your culinary repertoire is certainly expanding! I love the action photos of you jumping from your board… what fun!