I tried to keep busy this week. I went ice skating,

built a race car,

learned how to solder,

and used my new skills to build a Christmas tree,

built a few log cabins,

shot all The Bigs’ frozen peas with my new slingshot,

learned how to play mancala, checkers, chess, and Monopoly,

this is what I look like when I take all your money,

helped Mom make dinner (shelling pistachios is boring so I threw on a podcast to listen to),

and skiied.

Uncle Martin sent us fish for Christmas, so this week we had mahi mahi with capers and tomatoes,

salmon with sauteed cabbage and roasted kabocha squash with maple and sage,

and bass with roasted veggies. Yum!

Our country of the week this week was Costa Rica, so we had gallo pinto (beans and rice) with tostones (fried green plaintains).

And for New Year we had roast chicken, roasted red potatoes, and brussel sprout salad.

Another busy week. Are you ready to go back to school and give mom and dad a break?😜😜
Do you ever just sit still?? You did so much. It all looked like fun though. Thank goodness for Uncle Martin.The fish meals were fantastic looking and I’m guessing delicious. Costa Rica looked yummy also and roast chicken was a plus. I hope you are back to school and can keep them busy.
Looks like busy but fun week!. And all that tasty looking fish. You will be even smarter!
What a week!! Your family never ceases to amaze me with all you do! All the food looks terrific, as usual. The one photo that is really cool is the one with the shadows of the three skiers at the bottom of the slope…. what an inspired shot!