New Year’s Day Relay

On New Year’s morning, we did the MBSEF nordic relay race. On their website, they highly recommended costumes. We are not costume people and were pretty put out by this, but we wanted to do the race, so … Thankfully, The Mother had not given away my superhero capes and masks.

As you can see from this picture of the starting line – most other participants were costume people.

Dad started, Mom did the second leg, and I was the anchor leg. Here I am recovering all the time lost by The Mother and then some.

We won. Here are our awards – blow pop bouquets.

It has FINALLY started to snow in Central Oregon. Unfortunately, with snow comes heavy traffic to the mountain. We didn’t want to be late to MBSEF, so Dad made our oats and put them in thermoses so we could leave extra early and then eat in the car when we arrived.

You may or may not be able to tell why The Bigs have made a new rule that I must comb my hair before leaving the house.

Here we are enjoying our second powder day of the season. It is about time!

And the new recipe for the week – Kung Pao sweet potatoes from Veg-Table.

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8 months ago

So glad you are finally getting powder. I’m thinking it’s a good rule to have to comb your hair prior to going out 😂

8 months ago

I liked your costumes! Nice and understated….
So happy for you all that powder days have returned…enjoy!

8 months ago

I think those Super Power Capes helped you fly over the finish line to win the race!

Carol Cullion
Carol Cullion
8 months ago

Great race and your lack of big bulky costumes was a much better idea.
Oatmeal in a thermos?? Great idea!
The sweet potato dish is a keeper.