Mom’s birthday was this week. I made her a cheesecake,

let her borrow my candles,

and wear my party hats. I’m quite the guy.

Nan and Pop took us to dinner at Trattoria Sbandati to celebrate:

Piatto di formaggi misti:

Tagliatelle ai funghi porcini:

Bowling with Nan and Pop:

I let them win.

It was Christmas tree weekend:

After a long search, we finally found the perfect tree. I let Dad help me cut it down:

After cutting the tree, we had to hurry back to get to The Nutcracker:

Sunday, we had breakfast with Santa at McMenamins:

Supervising the tree installation:

How come that kid doesn’t have is safety glasses and vest on doing all that heavy construction 🏗?
Fabulous weekend. So many fun things and so many nice pictures. Loved the Santa shots. Did he talk much to him?