Here is the 2nd installment of last weekend’s post.
We went to Olympic National Park and did some backpacking. We started at Graves Creek and headed to Pyrites Campground the first day.

Our first day was only 10 miles.

Despite the ‘easy’ day, The Mother was tired.

Probably from carrying a bear can full of food. Dad carried two! Altogether we had 37 pounds of food for our six day, five night trip. The Bigs were dragging.

We know Nan is saying, where did they go to the bathroom. Here, Nan!

We left Pyrites Campground headed for Siberia Camp. Today would be our first pass.

In the Enchanted Valley, there was a chalet folks could stay at in the 1930s.

We also passed the world’s tallest western hemlock (marked by this sign).

Looks tall.

We ran into a ranger who suggested skipping Siberia Camp and going a little further to LaCrosse Junction to camp. So, by DAY 2, I walked 21.8 miles.

Today we needed to climb our highest pass.

I summited LaCross Pass no problem. I just set little goals and work towards them.

We had to climb over and under many fallen trees and climbed and descended a lot.

We finally made it to Marmot Lake.

It was a tiring day and The Mother and I slept in the next morning.

Dad forgot to take a picture of his watch in the evening, but on Day 3 I walked 12.4 miles, bringing my total to 34.2 miles.

We left Marmot Lake and headed back to the Enchanted Valley.

We had one more pass and I handled it no problem.

Dad and I were busy looking at some glaciers when The Mother came waddling down the trail saying ‘Bear, guys, bear’! This guy was working his way up a hill of huckleberry bushes about 100 ft from where we stood. He was much more interested in huckleberries than us.

Day 4 was another long one. I walked 12.4 miles, bringing my total up to 46.6 miles.

We woke up to rain. One of The Bigs was surprised to see it was raining. Um, it is a RAIN forest…

Thankfully The Mother carries contractor bags in her pack.

After a soggy 11.6 mile walk, we made it to our final campsite at Pony Creek. I had now walked 58.2 miles.

DAY 6:
We had an easy 2.8 mile walk out. I covered 61 miles and climbed countless feet with a super positive attitude, even when I had to sit and wait for The Mother to catch up.

When we got back to our car, we found a mouse had moved in. He ate a lot and pooped a lot. After we cleaned up the mess, we headed to Westport, WA for some surfing. We stayed at a cool hotel with hammocks.

And we went out for dinner where I had my favorite, calamari

and some fish tacos.

I surfed all day

and then we checked out the town.

After surfing we headed back to our hotel. They did not have a room available so we stayed in one of their campsites and made dinner in their grill and chill area. We had lingcod and mini peppers.

We had quite a trip!
WOW, what a fabulous trip, but I’m exhausted just from reading the blog. Beautiful country. And, to top it off a day of surfing. Smiling all the way.
ok. I get how you like being dirty and smelly but enjoying all those beautiful sights and doing what you all? Find fun.
I thought it was all good until I saw what you had to carry for food and how you had to climb under trees😳
the end of the trip had a bit more comfort and delicious food. And what a surfer you are M!!
Quite the trip with a bear thrown in but you are not the only one to see a bear the Nan saw one in New Hampshire this week. No surfing though. This looks like a summer to remember.
What an amazing trip and what a phenomenal photographer to capture it all!! The energy and endurance you 3 have astounds me!! Walking on those narrow ‘bridges’ high up over the streams would terrify me.
What are those big mossy lumps on some of the trees??
Every week’s adventures are more thrilling than the past ones!