Guess who I am. Not sure? Some hints. 1. That’s a mustache. 2. Börk börk börk. Give up? The Swedish Chef, of course.

I volunteered to make dinner on Friday. Perhaps so we would have something I like…

I made truffle salt shrimp pasta, of course.

This week, I gave The Bigs a shopping list.

They ACTUALLY bought the stuff. I used those apples, potatoes, butter, salt, and raisins to make a salad – I made up the recipe.

It was, much to The Bigs’ surprise, quite good. How could they doubt me?

I also prepped several meals for the coming week. I got a broth started for tofu noodle soup,

made an Indian mulligatawny soup,

and prepared the topping for an apple cranberry crisp.

I still had time to do multiple costume changes and some light cleaning.

I’m never tired, but when The Bigs make me go to bed, at least I have cool new Peanuts sheets – just like Ryan. Thanks Nan and Pop!

On Saturday we went on a hike at Paulina Lake. It was 26 degrees out.



What a difference you guys are all dressed up for winter and we were in shorts eating lunch at the beach. Did I notice you have no booster seat or were you just sitting in the car. You look so tall.
I wish I had you here to help me cook. the pasta is one of my favorites but the apples and potatoes salad looked yummy. I can’t believe you enjoy hiking in 26 degree weather but then you are dressed for summer and sitting in the springs. whacky people!!! you are a very cute Swedish chef. Loved the last picture.
Can only imagine how hard it was to leave the hot spring and have to towel off in 26 degree air! Love, Jim
Wow such tasty looking recipes. Soon you will be writing your own Cook Book “Emmett’s Good Eat’s” scrumptious food from around the universe.