Picture Day

We had picture day at school this week. I dressed appropriately:

I make my own lunch everyday for school now:

On Saturday, we went to Maston for a desert mountain bike ride:

On the way home, we stopped at DD Ranch to pick a pumpkin. The Bigs said ‘no way’ to this one:

Though this one was not too bad either:

I also went for a pony ride at the ranch. I have to say, I was pretty disappointed. Not nearly as exciting as I had imagined. I thought I’d feel a bit more cowboy.

Sunday, we went for a hike along Tumalo Creek.

A bit of bouldering along the way:

Starry Night (Thanks, Great Uncle Jim!):

Pumpkin blueberry waffles. Who is this Pac Man guy the Bigs keep talking about?

This week’s bread creation: Pane di Lino, golden flaxseed bread. Great for toast:

And, finally, my latest plum creation, plum and strawberry crisp:

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2 years ago

Those pumpkins look like they weigh more then you.

2 years ago

My Emmett you look so handsome for your picture. Looks like both your bike and that pony had some mileage on them. I love your plum creation. Can I have the recipe?

2 years ago

Another busy busy weekend. You are becoming a master bread maker. Pop and poppa watch out. The plum crisp looks awesome. I hope you got the second pumpkin 🎃. I was very relieved to see you dressed so handsome and not in camo for picture day and I see how you wear your pants out. Climbing boulders?? The pony ride was a change for sure too bad not very cowboy. PAC man?? Ask uncle Chris.

2 years ago

Looking quite handsome for school photos, Em! I’m quite impressed with the output of your plum trees and am thinking or planting a couple of plum trees in my yard. All of your plum creations have looked yummy!
I’m amazed at everthing the Bend Webbs did this past week! I’m feeling like a slug, compared to all your activities! Keep enjoying life!❤️