I’m sick again/still. So sick that I did not want to do anything this weekend. That’s sick. So, this will be a short blog – with not too many pictures.
Friday was picture day. I take these things very seriously. I was the only sport coat seen in the DSM parking lot Friday morning. And when The Bigs picked me up that evening, I was still rocking the tie.
Mom thinks she probably got a better picture than the actual photographer and The Bigs could have saved their $25.

Mom and I planted sweet potatoes and yellow peppers in May. One. ONE of our peppers finally turned yellow. I won’t even tell you about the sweet potatoes…

We are behind on all things Halloween. My costume, for example. The Bigs really need to kick it up a notch. We also haven’t decorated yet. We swung buy a nursery to get some weird pumpkins on our way home one day, but we still need lots more.

Quite handsome in your sport coat and tie! Am eager to know what the Halloween costume is this year🤔….. and missed seeing one of your culinary delights this week.
I agree with Nana. You were looking good with your sport jacket and tie. I’m not happy to hear you are sick again though. I think you should give the bigs a break and pick a costume out at a store or consignment shop👍 You really look tall on the porch with the pumpkins😍💕❤️
You are definitely a trend setter at DSM. Need to work a little on your green thumb 😂. I am wondering what your Halloween costume will be.
Very dabbler. You are man of many miens