Bachelor got 38 inches of snow in the past 7 days. This is me on Saturday. It was deep.

Here I am with Jameson looking for our line.

We enjoyed the powder in the morning and raced slalom in the afternoon. The Mother was unable to get any good pictures. (Though she did better than the Other Big, who only managed to get a 23-minute video of the inside of his jacket pocket.)

But that doesn’t matter. The only picture that matters is the one of this scoreboard that shows me coming in 6th overall and 4th out of all the boys. Top 5 men get on the ‘podium’, so another goal met.

Because skiing in deep powder from 9 am until 3:30 pm on Saturday didn’t seem like an exhausting enough day for The Mother, I decided on Sunday we would backcountry ski.

It was a gorgeous, cold day.

We did four runs in amazing, deep powder. Everyone, even the much maligned Mother, was all smiles.

I’m now starting to understand why The Bigs love powder days so much.
Nothing special about this dinner…except my amazing sweet-potato-fry log cabin…

Good Job Emmett in achieving your goal! You are looking very graceful on the slopes!
Snow and snow and some more snow. Dad got some good action shots. Like you coming over cornice.
I want to know how you can ski if your skis are buried in powder?? I think you’re all crazy nuts 🌰 and “the mother” is really forcing that smile🤭
you do ski well. I will admit that even if you do some, what I consider, dangerous stuff🫣guess I better zip my lip🤐
Congratulations M.
Great job, achieving your podium goal! Congrats! I can just see your big smile, standing up there! Your skiing is awesome…. and you look as though you’re having fun— most important part !
Also, your log cabin looked pretty impressive. Your Dad and Uncle Geoff used to build log cabins out of chicken wing bones when we’d go to Albert’s for dinner 😋