Powder Man

I’ve been reading my way through the bookshelf in the office:

This is a good one. I’m on page 107.

When I’m not busy reading long pictureless books, I’m guiding the Bigs through math lessons:

I have had two loose teeth for several weeks now. These teeth used to be touching each other. Something big must be pushing its way in.

We had a beautiful day of Nordic skiing on Saturday:

Sunday was a powder day! I was Powder Man, skiing black diamonds all day.

Our country of the week was Japan. Yasai-to-tofu-no-misoshiru (hearty miso soup with vegetables and tofu):

and miso yakionigiri (grilled miso rice balls):

Did I like it? No, I did not. It was a bit of a flop. We may need a Japan-night do-over.

Winter happiness salad, on the other hand, was delicious:

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3 years ago

Michael Crichton pretty serious reading. Looking good on the mountains and trails. Yup you need a Japan-night- do-over.

3 years ago

I agree with you and Pop on the Japan night do over. You are a reading machine. Tell me something you learned so far from that
book you are reading. Do you ever get tired?? You exhaust me just seeing all you are up to.😳😳

3 years ago

I have to agree with Nan and Pop–on the Japanese night do-over…. how about some sushi?
Crichton writes some weird and interesting books,,,. I rather like his books, and am impressed that you’re reading him at your age! It would be interesting to pick up and read Timeline again when you’re in your teens and see what else you get out of it.
One other comment…. black diamonds in the powder!! Yikes!

3 years ago

I’d go for deep fried Tempura, always a hit!