Prickly Pear

This week, The Bigs did some much needed gardening.

While they worked, I trapped bees.

I found 6 different kinds on the catmint plant. Here are two of the kinds I found.

I only kept them captive for a short time and then I let them go. Unfortunately, this appears to have generated some bad insect karma, as later in the day, The Mother was stung/bitten by something that caused her arm to swell until it looked like a hamhock. Oh well. Isn’t our prickly pear cool?

Guess what’s coming? Cherries! A few more weeks and we should be living on Cherry St.

We did some mountain biking. I now ride on logs and rocks and other things that make The Bigs hold their breath and pray to the femur god.

I also parted with some of the allowance and gift money I have been hoarding and bought myself a fly fishing rod. I spent about an hour casting in the front yard.

After looking at this picture, can you guess what I made for my dinner of the week?

I was inspired by a recipe Uncle Chris sent for BLATs (bacon, lettuce, avocado, and tomato sandwiches), so I made BLEATS. How can you not add a fried egg?

I topped each sandwich with a piece of bacon. Why not?

The Mother made Pizza Cali (pesto, broccoli, and feta) and

Recovery Pizza (garlic butter sauce, roasted sweet potatoes, bacon, goat cheese, and runny egg in the middle. If Dad and I had been in charge, there would have been a lot more eggs on this pizza. I think next week I’ll make ‘real’ pizza. You know, with sauce, cheese, and pepperoni.

And, one day for lunch, Dad made pesto tuna melts.

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8 months ago

Your front yard and all gardens look son beautiful !! Love the prickly pear!
So glad the femur god listened and left everything intact. The Emmett is back!!

8 months ago
Reply to  Nana

That’s so, not son ….

8 months ago

Mom and Dad have done a really nice job of landscaping the yard. I’m sure your house is the envy of the neighborhood. It appears that bike camp is going well. Maybe you will be able to do some fly fishing with your cousin Ryan. Pizza looks good.

8 months ago

I love your yard. Its the best on the block for sure.. Bee capturing? Not with me around 😳 You really are testing out that healed femur..The fly fishing seems a bit easier on it than the biking. You are a foodie for sure.

James Cullion
James Cullion
8 months ago

To bee or not to be? That is the question….Please bee careful!