Do I have the Halloween spirit? Why, yes, I do. I eat dinner with this guy every day:

And, I made some skeletons (held together with address labels):

Working hard to overcome my fear of animals, I landed another cat-sitting gig. Here I am with my buddy, Dazzler:

Next thing you know, I’ll be petting dogs.

Saturday was a bit rainy, so we went to Smith Rock for a hike. Mom let me wear her old GPS watch:

We hiked the Misery Ridge loop. I was a hiking animal.

After our hike, we stopped at a pumpkin patch to pick a few pumpkins:

Working on my balance:

On Sunday, we rode Ticket to Ride:

Mom took a movie of me using some new skills I learned at my mountain bike class. Here is the video:
Speaking of movies, The Bigs borrowed the first season of The Muppet Show from the library. Those crazy muppets crack me up.

Some food from the week. Brazil net and arugula pesto pasta:

Pumpkin dessert bowls:

Butternut squash veggie lasagna:

Baked apples with coconut cream:

That looked like a very pretty hike. I think I would like to try it. I hope you are letting my buddy Kermit watch the muppets with you.
Wow Emmett you are ready for Halloween! You even had a black cat! Hope to see what you do with the pumpkin!
Busy busy busy!!! Even in the rain. Smith rock is a great place. Only there once but with a screaming new born it was an experience to never forget:> You are doing great on your bike and having fun it seems. cat sitting?? I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see it. Pop’s right. Is Kermit watching with you. Looks like you really enjoyed the show. The food all looked edible. ooops! I meant delicious of course. Have fun with your pumpkin.
Quite a week – a lot going on. Em if you can conquer black cats you can certainly handle dogs. Blackie wants you here.