We were out of school for a 10 day quarantine, went back for 4 days, then went on the two week Christmas break and then after only being back in school for 6 hours school was closed for snow.

This week’s country was Japan, so we had ramen.

This was a big week as it was my first time on red chair.

After lots of snowy days (Batchelor received 66 inches of snow in the last 7 days), Sunday was a sunny day

check out the trees…

Here I am working on the scratchables Uncle Jim sent. It took lots of quiet concentration. I really enjoyed it, but I think The Bigs enjoyed it even more :).

Lucky 🍀 you no school and skiing with a little art work thrown in.
I think you shouldn’t bother going to school. It’s always closing. You’re pretty self sufficient you can just teach yourself 👍ramen looked great. Did you eat sitting on the floor?? Good grief!! 66 inches!! Nice sunny fun day though. Trees looked awesome. I love the scratch off you did from what uncle Jim sent. What a great gift.
Beautiful elephant, you are also an artist now? I have snow envy, not much where I live
Red Chair today; Black Diamonds tomorrow!!! Love, Jim
I’ve never seen Scratchables before…they are great!! Terrific gift!
I also think the ramen looked yummy. I’ll have to learn what all is in the recipe you all made.
Congrats on graduating to the Red Chair!! I’m very impressed and wish I hadn’t missed these last several years of skiing with you. Continue doing all those fun things you do when school is out…. but I hope COVID leaves Bend soon, so you can get back to enjoying the classroom.
PS…. I think the Bigs should start wearing ski helmets… you never know what some unknown goof ball on the slopes will do!!