I had a gift card from Grandma Marie that I had been saving for something special. Here it is. A fancy new sport coat. I wanted to look presidential. Thank you, Grandma Marie!

Ice cream sundae week this week. I made a strange mixture of macerated cherries and whipped cream:

I put it on some strawberry ice cream with some more whipped cream and topped it with a cherry:

I’m getting ready for swim lessons to start in a couple of weeks. Thanks, Nana, for the new trunks.

I rode my bike a lot this weekend. On Saturday, I met up with Isaac from school at Phil’s. We rode to the Flaming Chicken, then hit the pump track:

And played with some sticks:


Stir-fried tofu and cauliflower curry:

Nice jacket. Very Presidential. Do you forget your mask like Joe does??? Looks like since skiing has stopped maybe you’ve slowed down a little bit. I think all that whip cream would have done it!!!
Tofu? Yuk!!
You need the bigs to play ZZ Top’s Sharpe Dressed Man for you.
I’d vote for you ! EMMETT WEBB FOR PRESIDENT!!! ❤️Uncle Jim