Skate Skier

Self-efficient man gets a snack. M&M’s on the top shelf are no problem.

Mom forgot my nordic boots on Saturday, so The Bigs rented me skate skis! I skied 9.5 miles over 3 hours!

Here is a video of me attacking:

It clouded up on Sunday. Maybe it will finally snow.

Our country this week was Brazil. We had Brazilian fish stew.

I made fancy drinks to accompany the stew.

We also made kalua pork. It was steamed in banana leaves

and served with cabbage and rice.

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3 years ago

That skate skiing looked pretty hard. Are you getting ready for the Olympics in China?

3 years ago

My only comment is. GET OFF the counter!!
And maybe one more. Meals looked great snd your fancy drinks were a good accompaniment.
I guess I have another comment. 9.5 miles!!!! I hope you napped after that. That looked like a lot of work.

3 years ago

Skate skiing for 3 hours OMG, I can’t even skate ski for more then 3 minutes without falling down!

James Cullion
James Cullion
3 years ago

9.5 miles in 3 hours! That’s great. Approximately how many miles is that per hour. See if you can get your mom and dad to help you with that. Love, Uncle Jim

3 years ago

You look Olympic ready for skate skiing. Nice job, Em. Looks exhasuting.

3 years ago

That skate-skiing stuff looks like too much work for me!! However, your fancy-shmancy drinks look quite welcoming! My guess is that you didn’t dig a hole in your backyard to cook the kalua pork…. but it surely looks delicious, especially with the rice and cabbage! mmm-mmm!
We’re also hoping for some snow here… I think we’ll get a good amount tonight in the storm that is supposedly coming.