We’ve been skiing for a while but MBSEF started this weekend. And, so did the traffic. So, we left early because we can eat breakfast in the camper!

The Mother may or may not have snuck a nap in it during the afternoon 😜
We had a gorgeous powder day on Saturday and a rimey powder day on Sunday.

What is rimey? It’s when it’s icing out and you and Bill Healy look like glazed donuts 🍩.

Or more accurately rime is: frost formed on cold objects by the rapid freezing of water vapor in cloud or fog.
Well Blimey Rhyme-EE…let’s ski in the rhimey. Who knew!❤️
Doesn’t that camper have some heat in it. No way for the Mother to nap in that. You probably don’t know it Mount Yawgoo open this weekend to a bluebird day and your cousin was there taking advantage of it.
Crazy people! Eating breakfast in a freezing camper and skiing in ice!!!!