Ski Season is On

On Monday, there was no school, so we went mountain biking. Cold.

And then to the rock gym, where The Mother took no pictures. Then there was school, work, and putting the studs on the car in anticipation of some weather. And weather there was/is. The mountain opened the earliest it has opened since 1998 because they received 66 inches of snow already. I can’t downhill ski for another week (doctor’s orders) but I can cross-country ski.

Here I am dropping the Mother.

66 inches is a lot, but by the end of the year, I’ll be able to sit on this chair.

After skiing, I went to Jameson’s for a sleepover. Although, sleep maybe shouldn’t be included. We didn’t go to bed until 11 and were up at 6:30 am. We did a lot of marble run building.

When it was time for The Bigs to pick me up, J and I were not ready for the party to stop, so we went to the climbing gym.

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4 months ago

You were lacking a smile on that cold bike ride but it got better has days moved on.

4 months ago

Biking, rock climbing, skiing. Doesn’t sound to me that your taking it easy🧐 sleepover must have been fun to continue to the next day. No food pictures. ☹️

4 months ago

66 inches already! Yikes! You look as though you’re enjoying those inches already! Keep enjoying your very busy life….