Oregon may be on fire, but don’t worry. I have everything under control.

Blowing the deck clean on one of our few smokeless days this week:

Unfortunately, the winds shifted, and we have been socked in with smoke for the past few days with no end in sight.

AQI = 448. Not good:

We’ve been stuck inside, so I’ve been weaving pot holders, doing jigsaw puzzles,

and using my jedi skills to defeat Darth Dad:

Meera turned five, so at least we got to leave the house to go to her (very small) birthday party (also inside):

Painting a pottery owl:

Some food from the week. Five-spice peach and raspberry salad:

Autumn apple, Brussels sprouts, and delicata squash salad:

It used to be they could legally force non-fire fighters to fight forest fires. Watch out Emmett, if they see your skills they will be coming for you. But that’s Ok you will have lots of sustenance with those delicious Autumn apple, brussel sprout , delicate squash! Yummy!
It used to be that they could force non-fire fighters into fighting forest fighters. Watch out Emmett, once they see your skills they will be coming for you. But at least you will have lots of sustenance eating your delicious brussel sprouts, apple delicate squash salad! Yummy !
Five-spice peach and raspberry salad looks delicious. Hey I need a pot holder.
Glad everyone is OK and the best fire fighter in Bend is there to serve and protect! Happy Birthday Meera… Congratulateions making it to the big 0 – 5! Bet that food tastes as good as it looks! Love Jim