This week I, you guessed it, cooked and skied. Here I am making the tomatoes

for couscous, cherry tomato, and herb salad.

I skied four miles on Saturday morning. I asked Mom to take a picture of the beautiful view. She made me stand right in the middle of it.

It snowed in town. Dad built a little snowman.

I built a ski resort.

It doubled as a ski jump.

Even I will admit I was a bit tired after all that skiing and constructing, but we still had unfinished business in the brownie world. Last week’s brownies were too dry. We had to try again.

I am happy to report that after a delicious bowl of ramen

the Bigs had the world’s best brownies for dessert. I was already in bed. Hey!

Don’t worry, I got one the next day and I made a cool snowman too.

Here I am working on my turns:
Very impressed with the with ski but more so with the lime green hat in the back ground of the construction projects 😀
Look at you go Emmett. Great turns!! Dad’s snowman was cute but yours was cuter. Sorry Kyle. Your couscous salad looked very tasty and also the ramen dish. Keep cooking and I’m glad the brownies came out much better. You are a snow child. Always out in the cold snowy weather having fun.
Wow you already ski better then your great Auntie Cheryl. Good job Emmett!
Great looking weather and skiing videos. Great addition.