Last week was spirit week at school. Monday was crazy hair day.

Tuesday was dress all in blue day, Mom forgot to get a picture of that. Wednesday was safari – dress like an animal day – so the lion suit came out of retirement. It was 70 out. I was hot.

Thursday was perhaps the BEST DAY ever. Dress like your favorite book character. I was Harry Potter of course.

And Friday was school spirit day. I wore all my DSM gear.

It was also the day we left for the coast. The weather forecast was NOT promising. Driving rain, gale winds, and 50 degree temperatures, but we had to make a reservation months in advance so we were going. There was much grumbling from The Bigs. We drove about half way on Friday and the first night we stayed along the North Umpqua River. No rain.

On the drive Saturday morning it was raining and the wind was so strong, the car got pushed into the other lane. Here we are eating lunch in the car

because it was pouring and the picnic table at our campsite was under water.

After lunch, we threw on our rain coasts and headed to the beach. Did we get wet? Nope. It maybe sprinkled on us. We walked and played and enjoyed the beauty!

And when even managed to make a fire.

The next morning I helped make breakfast.

Then we headed out for a hike where rhododendrons

and irises grew wild.

Again, despite a horrible forecast – no rain.

After all that walking, I needed a snack. A chocolate chip cookie at Bandon Coffee hit the spot.

Then it was off for a walk on the jetty.

Then skipping stones on the beach.

After a long day, we kicked back with some roasted marshmallows

and then watched the sunset.

The next day we walked from the campground to the mouth of the Sixes River…

where these guys found us almost as interesting as we found them.

Did we get wet? Nope. Did we have fun? Yup.

A positive attitude is more likely to bring about a good outcome than a negative one. Glad you had a great time. Love, Jim
Wow. You guys covered a lot of ground. The pictures were great and it was nice with the black and whites. Looks like you left out the ones with you laying on the beach and swimming in the ocean (-;
That was a lot to stuff into one week. Great pictures and lot of fun – too bad about the weather.
Sunset picture was awesome.
Loved the spirit week pictures and Harry Potter was a great choice. Too bad it wasn’t a bit warmer and some sun but thankfully no constant rain and you were able to see and do some very nice things. Loved the seals. We saw them recently at the aquarium. They are pretty smart and put on a wonderful show. Glad it wasn’t a total washout.
My goodness you had a very busy week. And if I am not mistaken it appears like you have taken up photography. Good you got away to the ocean. Hopefully Voldemort won’t find you there!
What a wonderful week! What fun to be Harry… you looked great, Mr. Potter! How lucky you all are to be able to visit all these places of beauty and thorough enjoy them. I agree with Pop about the photography…so beautiful! I especially loved the photos of the ocean breaking over the huge rocks, Mom and Em thoroughly enjoying roasted marshmallow time, happy family, gorgeous sunset, and friendly seals.
Question…. What are the tusks/horns (??) lying on the beach?