Spruce Goose

As you all know, I was out of school for a week for spring break. So, it probably seems reasonable to you that after one week and two days back that we were out of school for three days for parent teacher conferences. Don’t you worry though. I didn’t hang around the house bored while The Bigs worked. I hung out with Papa!

I taught him the real rules of blackjack.

We spent one day in Bend, did a little bowling, went to Monkless for poutine, and then we hit the road. We went to Silver Falls State Park. Where we hiked to 10 different waterfalls.

Depending on the time of day and who is relating the story, the hike was somewhere between 7.2 and 8.4 miles long. Afterwards, we stayed in this cabin.

The next day we had breakfast at a restaurant that is owned by the parents of one of The Bigs favorite students.

Then we hit the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum. Home to the Spruce Goose. Here I am in the cockpit.

We had fun.

I threw Papa a morning going away party. You can’t see it, but on the green sheet of paper, I wrote out a whole menu and was willing to make whatever he wanted. I got off easy with an order for black coffee and a peanut butter english muffin. I threw the clementine in to fancy up the plate.

Spring wants to come to Bend. Our first daffodil came out, but there’s snow in this week’s forecast…I have a ski race next weekend, so fine by me.

One food pic for the week: miso sesame steel-cut oats with smoked salmon, toasted pine nuts, and soft-cooked egg.

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1 year ago

A wonderful, adventurous week with Em. A word of caution. Keep your hand on your wallet when playing blackjack or UNO with him. I highly recommend both Silver Falls State Park and the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum. Bec and Kyle will be going with Em as their guide.

1 year ago

Wow what an exciting week. I’ll bet (catch the gambling cliche) you enjoyed every minute of it. Good luck with your race.

1 year ago

A wonderful visit with Papa and so many nice new adventures. I’ll pass on the oats. I think Papa looks a bit tired and you as always look like you are ready for the next adventure 😉