
I got some poles (also know as sticks and sometimes even, pokes) this week:

I have been making medicine from seeds and leaves I collect at school:

Some cross-country skiing Saturday morning:

followed by a bit of gardening:

On our drives to and from the mountain, we have been listening to a podcast by America’s Test Kitchen Kids called Mystery Recipe. Each week they have three shows focused a different ingredient in that season’s recipe. One week was tomatoes, one was olive oil, another onions, etc. At the end of the season, they finally reveal the mystery recipe. This season, it was a one-pot pasta recipe. I made it along with Molly on the podcast:

It was good:

I gave it a thumbs up (I’m still working on this particular gesture):

Stickman on the mountain:

In addition to my pharmaceutical pursuits, I enjoy concocting strange recipes using strange ingredients. Here, I’m making some sort of pancake-like strangeness from coconut flour, sprinkles, mashed banana, oat milk, sugar, and probably some other things I forgot:

They actually turned out mostly edible (I know because I made The Bigs try them):

Words of the day:

Ryan sent me a bunch of shirts. He is so cool:

Some of our food from the week included sushi (Nana! Look, they finally used the plates you gave them – it only took 13 years and the purchase of a rice cooker!):

All-Morning-Energy Bars (that ended up being more blob than bar, but good):

Shredded parsnip and beet salad in a pineapple vinaigrette:

Corn and edamame sesame salad:

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4 years ago

Good looking pasta, you must be channeling your Nana Cullion Emmett.

4 years ago

I don’t think there is a kitchen big enough for myself and M to be in. Always cooking and concocting something edible or not!!! I like it better when you are out side gardening and skiing. Maybe you could wash the family car? Your pasta did look yummy and everything else did but the corn and edamame. Thank you very much for all you facts about the beaver and for the short video. I really enjoyed both.

4 years ago

While you are working on your medicines could you concoct something for my arthritis? It looks like you and I would make a good pair in Nans kitchen. Can’t wait to try it. Should be a blast.

4 years ago

The shredded parsnip and beet salad with pineapple vinaigrette looks so yummy! And I’m very impressed with the coconut flour pancake thing… it looks as though it turned out beautifully!
Probably the most delicious recipe, though, was the one-pot pasta meal you made….. right? Great job following the podcast and producing a lovely meal for the family!!