Pop was here this week. We tired each other out. We went rock climbing:

played tennis:

and built bird houses:

Not to mention, went to the library, went to the playground, played soccer and basketball, and more. Of course, with all that activity, we worked up quite a hunger. So, we ate Mexican food:


and gelato:

For Thanksgiving dinner, we brined, spatchcocked, and grilled a heritage breed Narragansett turkey, and had an apple tart for desert:

As soon as Thanksgiving is over I bust out my Christmas shirts, decorate my room, and start the holiday season. We hung our lights on the porch:

What a grand, but tiring, week you all had! So glad you had a nice Thanksgiving and visit.
I can’t believe how high you climbed on the wall! Did Pop get up as high as you did?
That’s a lot…a lot to be grateful for! Happy Thanksgiving. ❤️
Wow that Pop is a fun guy to have around! I bet Pop was very thankful for you Emmett and the Turkey!
Love this blog. It sure was a busy time and Pop survived. Probably because he got to eat lots of Mexican. Turkey sounded wonderful but the tart looked amazing. I bet it was delicious. I need Pop back. The Xmas tree in the field needs to be lit. I hope you had a lot of fun and now it’s back to school.
What a nice week with Pop. Fun and good eats for all with donuts and gelato snuck in.