This is a Cat

You may think I just get dressed up for picture day. No way. I roll like this all the time:

We didn’t do much this week. Mainly yard work and listening to The Bigs whine about how bad they feel due to their booster shots.

Mom read somewhere that if you plant garlic, you can keep aphids away. We had a major aphid problem this summer, so we planted THIRTY garlic plants. It won’t work, but I humored her.

Guess what came in the mail this week? This year’s Hess Truck. I think the folks at Hess may be confused because it is a cargo plane, not a truck, but either way it’s awesome. Thanks, Pop!

The weather is cooling off, so I’ve been trying out different hot drinks. This week – herbal tea. It pretty much tastes like water.

I leave The Bigs reading challenges now. I make up sentences and see if they can read them. Sometimes I add a picture to give them a clue.

The other day I came home with a button I had sewn to a piece of cloth at school. The Bigs were impressed. When I told them I wanted to sew a stocking and wanted to know if I should use a running or blanket stitch, they were amazed.

I made pumpkin cookies, reading the recipe myself.

I also made bread for dinner. The Bigs have started whispering words like self-sufficient and saying things about going away for the weekend, and he’d be ok on his own, right?

Some things we ate this week.

Bali bowl with peanut tofu:

and a spicy Thai bowl:

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James Cullion
James Cullion
2 years ago

This is a 🐈. ❤️Uncle Jim

2 years ago

Another busy week. Congrats on the good looking pumpkin cookies and bread. And, the peanut tofu looks pretty good too – perhaps next visit. Hope you’re making lots of plans to keep Pop busy.

2 years ago

Emmett. You are amazing. You sew and cook and garden. I agree you are pretty self sufficient but not to be left alone 🙀
I wish I was coming with pop. I could keep busy cleaning up after the two of you. And. We could have shrimp. 😏