Do I look different?

See anything missing?

That’s right. Another tooth gone.

I did a watercolor this week. Rainbow lion.

I also did some skiing.

Including skiing the Cirque BOWL.

It was hard (it was a double black diamond – Mt Bachelor double black – so take that with a grain of salt) but fun.

I also practiced some lacrosse…with a butterfly net and hacky sack. Why not?

The Bigs normally do something special for Earth Day. This year nothing. I don’t know what their problem is lately, but I don’t have the time or the patience for their issues, especially on such an important day, so I took over. I made a special dessert. I melted chocolate chips, topped it with peanut butter, chopped apples, and cinnamon.


I also organized an Earth Day activity. We made a planter man.

Looks like one of those front teeth is poking threw so you should have them for Christmas 😂. Besides Nordic and Black Diamond skiing you did some very artistic things desert Earth Day and my favorite your water painting. You need to sign it.
There is a song that says all you want for Christmas are your two front teeth. I sure hope it doesn’t take that long for the new ones to come in!! Pops right. I do see the start of one new one.
That’s a pretty fancy looking lion and I like the earth day planter man. Good thinking.
Looks like it was nice spring skiing. You are a daredevil.
Your dessert looked yummy. Don’t make too many good ones or the bigs will make you take over in the kitchen.
My goodness you are keeping that tooth fairy busy. I bet she needed to borrow money from the bank to keep up with you. Good job on the lion water color, very colorful. And I am glad you took the initiative to celebrate Earth Day, it’s an important holiday for those of us who love the outdoors and nature!
Grrrreat Rainbow Lion! Love the colors and the smile.❤️
Quite the gap!! Rainbow Lion is wonderful, as was your celebration of Earth Day!
Awesome skiing in the Cirque Bowl…. you’ve got that whole mountain conquered!