Victoria Sponge

On my Monday off I went to lunch with Mom. I ate the all but one slice of the pizza you see i front of me and two meatballs. Can you say growth spurt?

I also made Victoria Sponge from Paul Hollywood’s cookbook.

It turned out pretty well. Unfortunately, I decided I don’t like whipped cream, so not too much got eaten.

Mom needed some help getting ready for lab class, so I did some wiring and programming for her.

On Saturday we had one of another bluebird day.

It snowed all week, but they weren’t able to open the Summit Chair due to weather. Looking at the back of the lift house, you can see why…

Because they couldn’t open the lift all week, when they did open it on Saturday, that meant there was fresh powder to be skied. The Bigs dropped me off at MBSEF and took off to see if they could enjoy some before it got all skied off.

After MBSEF we skied a run together so I could show Dad my moves.

While we had an amazing, sunny Saturday, Old Man Winter is not done with us yet. Here we are on Sunday.

After skiing The Bigs had some work to do, so Mom asked me to find something to do. I decided to do some experimenting in the kitchen (silly Mom – be careful what you ask for). I made up a recipe for a biscuit and then baked it and, then I decided to try making creme patissiere from Paul Hollywood’s cookbook. The clean up was intense. Mom was not happy.

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2 years ago

You better be saving me some of them bluebird days (-;

2 years ago

And that cake.

Carol Cullion
Carol Cullion
2 years ago

I’m kind of glad pop is coming without me this time. I think all your baking would send me off the edge😵‍💫🤦🏼‍♀️🙀
You are looking good skiing ⛷️
I can believe you ate that much pizza and meatballs also. It’s because you never stop moving!!

2 years ago

Personally, I think the Victoria Sponge looks absolutely delicious!!! I happen to love whipped cream ….. so when we get together again and you happen to get something with whipped cream, I’ll have first dibs on your whipped cream 😋
Your gorgeous blue skies, as well as your skiing form are fantastic!!

2 years ago

Em, looking forward to your cooking in April.