Week 2

The days are long when you can’t ski or bike or do much besides sit on the couch. I made some pot holders.

Including one for Coach Elsa. We were Team France…

Jameson and Quinn came over this week. That made for a nice break from The Bigs. Here Jameson and I are having lunch break. It was good to refuel before returning to destroying things in The Bigs’ garden with RC cars.

I also went with The Bigs to Dilly Dally Coffee Shop…

and convinced The Mother that another trip to Humm Kombucha was in order.

I also did a puzzle.

And The Bigs took me to Vector Volcano to play video games.

When we were leaving Vector ,The Bigs noticed there was no line at L&K Barbershop. I was not pleased.

The barber had some fun with my hair at the end…I was definitely not pleased.

They had an Easter wheel at the barbershop. You spun it and got a prize. Do you know what my prize was? A gift certificate for Vector Volcano. Awesome!

Now that it is done, I think the haircut looks pretty good, wouldn’t you agree?

I also made a boat from popsicle sticks, glue, and an old sheet.

The Mother then taught me how to use Fusion 360 and helped me design and 3D print a sailboat hull.

I also did some building building and read at 434 page novel.

AND made The Mother play Monopoly again. When I am all healed up, she is burning this game.

We also dyed Easter eggs this week. Rather than buying dye, we decided to use onion skins. A couple of how-tos on the internet said to use cilantro leaves and strawberry stems to create designs on the eggs.

It worked! Unfortunately the dye made brown eggs, which is kinda funny since we had a fridge full of brown eggs and went out of our way to buy white eggs just to dye them. That’s OK, they do look pretty cool.

I also did a crutch Easter egg hunt.

The Bigs bought me an Easter present before I broke my leg. It requires mobility. They felt a little bad about that and bought me a different gift. Then they said ‘oh heck, give him both’…but only if he solves these related puzzles.

In about one minute, I determined the answers were muscles and tennis and got my Sportcord and tennis racket.

This week they made me eat things I did not like. Did they forget they are supposed to feel bad for me and let me eat my favorites?

Roasted carrots with tahini sauce

and Cambodian omelet (egg, ground pork, and shiitake mushrooms) with radish and cucumber pickles.

The Mother made The World’s Greatest Grilled Cheese in the air fryer too…

And for Easter we made butterflied leg of lamb on the grill with brussels and asparagus.

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11 months ago

Nothing seems to slow you down. You are surely making the best of your situation. Meals look great especially my favorite grilled cheese. One question what is a sportcord?

11 months ago

Amazing how you filled your time without the skis or bike. Looking forward to working through your activity list with you in a few weeks.

Carol Cullion
Carol Cullion
11 months ago

So many great projects accomplished. I’m sure you hated all that messing around with your hair but it sure looks good to me. You are one handsome guy.
It’s good you’re getting a change of scenery now and then snd the “bigs” are doing more food places keeping you occupied. I love the puzzle.
Easter dinner looked wonderful.
That was a great way to do your Easter eggs 🥚