Week 5

Enough lounging on the couch for me. This week I did some swimming

and rode my bike on the trainer.

I also did some archery and a little hiking by the river.

I also planted some seeds to put in my greenhouse.

Given my recent time in the arcade – my sweatshirt from Uncle Chris has new meaning.

I am also going through a Nordic phase. I love all things viking as you can see from the flag I designed for my ‘throne’.

This week Mom’s friend Brook gave us some venison. Boy oh boy was it good.

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4 months ago

No lounge lizard for you. Out there picking up where you left off. This is great. Do you think the Vikings discovered America?

Carol Cullion
Carol Cullion
4 months ago

My goodness🤗you aren’t wasting any time getting back in shape doing all the things you love just at a lesser degree. Soon, full speed ahead. I love the sweatshirt and Viking flag over your “throne”😂 the venison dinner looked delicious. Very nice of Brooke. Have another good week. 🥰😘

4 months ago

Great to see you moving into the next phase with new activities.