Look at this femur. Almost as good as new!

After a minor set back last week – I was ok’d to get off my crutches but my heel, which had not been used in 6 weeks, rebelled and hurt every time I took a step, so I had to keep stay on the crutches all week – I’m feeling good! So good, that I went rock climbing…

And mountain biking…ok, not ‘mountain’ biking, more like riding around the neighborhood, but biking nonetheless.

When I am not out testing my newly returned mobility, I am listening to podcasts, reading ‘The Wind in the Willows’, or building crazy marble runs.

That femur does look as good as new. Glad to see you are getting right back into to everything. Keep up the hard work.
Well even though I don’t like to see you rock climbing so soon I am very happy to see that femur looking good. That marble run sure is something. I hope your heel is feeling great real soon. Don’t overdo and remember Sunday is “the Mother’s Day”. 🥰
That ‘s one fine looking femur! It’s so good to see you getting back to 100%. It must feel so good to get back on your bike and on the wall. Keep up your great work recovering!
Love your GraviTrax marble run kit…
Just about there. Great news!