Posted by: Becca & Kyle
Day 1: Becca's race:
The first day Becca did an Olympic distance race (1500 m swim, 40 km bike, and 10 km run). The day started out cool with a swim in North Sterling Reservoir,

but by the time the run came around, it was hot - 100 F!

Happy to be done.

After the race we went to check out one of the many sculptures around Sterling. We like giraffes.

We also played with a stray cat in the park.

Day 2: Kyle's race
The second day, Kyle did a half-iron distance race (1.2 mile swim, 56 mi bike, 13.1 mile run). It started out warmer than the day before. The course was very beautiful, passing through rolling farmland.

By the time the run came around it was much hotter than the day before. This was a road race, how did he get so dirty?

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