Ladies Love Emmett
Now, why would someone use these things to eat slippery noodles...

when they could just sit and enjoy their third piece of toast for the day on Nana's lap? This is the life.

Whoa! Did someone make a mess?

I'll clean it up. I hear Nan's coming in two weeks. I need my practice.

Sledding in the rain is still sledding. My bigs are total woosies - with all their whinging about the weather and such. (My buddy Torin is coming in August, so I am practicing my Australian).

I really don't know what they are complaining about since they went skiing WITHOUT ME the day before.

Get a few brewskis in me and I'm the life of the party. I had Sweet As (more Australian practice).

We went to Hola for dinner. The bigs had these margaritas. The waitress offered me a straw too, but I told her I'd go with water. Someone had to be responsible. Side note: the waitress was beautiful and when I wasn't eating all the chips and salsa I put all my energy into flirting. It didn't take long before she was captivated by my charm!

Dad and Nana both had halibut, prawns, calamari, onion, and tomatoes wok-fried with chorrillana style sauce which was served with quinotto.

GUM had grilled baby back ribs smothered in a sweet and sour aif-amarillo BBQ sauce. The ribs were accompanied with causa (Peruvian infused key lime cold potato cake) and fresh salsa criollo.

Mom ordered tamales. I ate her whole dinner before she got a picture or to eat any herself.

I was still hungry after dinner so we stopped for gelato. Mom got anise flavor. I think it was so I wouldn't eat her dessert too. Good thing Nana had stracciatella and Dad had coconut. GUM smartly kept his distance.

I needed to burn off some serious calories after the night before's dinner, so Mom, Dad, and I ran ~6 miles and somehow our run ended at the PLAYGROUND! I am so over the baby stuff. I now climb tall, steep ladders...

to ride down the big boy slide by MYSELF.

I am a total hot shit.

Slippery Racer
Meet my best friend, Meera.

I love sliding. Can we slide today?

I got out the cookie sheet...

What is this red thing and why does dad say it is going to rock my world?

That was awesome! Dad, you're right! I can't believe mom is so cheap she wanted me to slide on a cookie sheet when there are red sleds! You know, Pop told her to buy me one while he was visiting. I guess he knows how she is too.
Saturday ski:

Sunday ski:

Mom thought it was funny that Dad had just finished the Great Nordeen Ski Race (30K), but I was the one napping. She doesn't understand how hard it is to pull every single pot, pan, utensil, and avocado out of the kitchen and run them into the living room.

Just because:

Got my going out shirt on for dinner at the neighbors.

Nice short commute for a tasty dinner. Best part - they let me empty their tupperware cupboard on the floor and they built tupperware towers with me. They are also way better cooks than mom and dad. I am considering relocating.

I missed the sunrise this morning. I needed to catch a couple extra z's after our dinner party ran late - plus I had a big day planned.


Chef Em
It just keeps snowing.

And it has been cold. Wear your hat in the house temperatures.

A serious chef is impervious to the cold. Emmett cooked up a lot of different dishes. Here are some of the highlights:

Puzzle piece saute.

Frogs legs.

Naked chef:

Work hard - play hard. Mr. Emmett did some skiing on the carpet.

Followed by a real ski up to Tumalo Falls.

We made it 6.4 miles.

Some of us did more work than others of us.

Christmas sweaters:

We believe it is totally OK to wear Christmas PJ's until New Year Day.
This week Em actually built something with his blocks. The construction was not exactly up to Pop standards...

I need to be very careful so it doesn't

fall down!

I have to write thank yous for all my presents?

No thanks. You do it, mom. Dad really needs my help making flan.

Life is good. I've got monster feet pjs, a pet bat, and a pet turtle. Does it get better than this?

Yes, yes it does. Skiing with Dad is the best! Throw in a tailgate picnic that involves copious amounts of peanut butter and it can't be beat!

New Years Eve dinner:
Mom and Dad had posole,

margaritas, and flan.

I went with yogurt and applesauce.

I have to think about my figure after all.

Perhaps, along with pooping in the toilet pronto, Mr. M should resolve to hit the gym.

Christmas #2
Merry Christmas!
Our post will be brief, Emmet has hoof and mouth disease. He looks like Woogie. Love blisters.
We forgot to post pictures of our Christmas tree. We bought a $5 pass from the Forest Service and headed out on our skis to find the perfect tree.

Our 'rescue' tree:

Look closely at this one...

Moments before the hoof and mouth diagnosis:

Still doing well enough to jot a note to Santa. I believe it said, Dear Santa, Please put money in my 529 so I can go to college.

A path of destruction follows Hurricane Emmett wherever he goes:

Christmas Eve we let Trader Joe do the cooking. Kyle baked bread, but besides that it was tapas from Joes. There was salami, capocollo (gabba-gool), prosciutto, salami, pepperoni, bacon cheddar, shrimp lobster bites, spanakopita, smoked salmon, and pork shumai. Yum...

We let Em open one present on Christmas Eve. It was a tunnel. What fun!

Christmas morning we put a brisket in the oven at 9:20 am. We cooked it on low temperatures until 8 pm.


Chef Em must always help when there is activity in the kitchen:

The Christmas Yule Log:

What Christmas Day looked like. All day (starting at 4 am).

Hop on Pop
Pop and Em read Hop on Pop on the kitchen floor:

Em's snowman needs a nose.

Emmett and his lady friend Meera getting ready for their performance at the Growing Tree Holiday Singalong:

Skiing at Mt. Bachelor:

Peruvian plates at Hola! Tamales de puerco:

Lomo saltado:

Lenguado al chorrillo bay style:

Pop giving Emmett some advice:


Pop and Em at Atlas Cider:

Team plaid at Barrio:

Tubby time, Em!

Bad Santa
Em, where's your belly?

Where's your belly button?

Wipe your mouth, Em.

OK, I'm ready. Let's go skiing.

On the trails at Virginia Meissner:

Skiing was fun, but the sliding afterward was the best.

After sliding and a nap, Em once again got dressed up in his goin'-out clothes for a Christmas party.

Special Christmas party guest: Santa!

Milk and cookies with the kids:

Story time:

No, Em. It's Santa. Santa, not Satan.

Saturday-Night-Fever Emmett:

It started out like any other week. There was roughhousing

and tickling

but then on Friday there was a big surprise! Uncle Chris came all the way from RI for Mom's 40th birthday! He is so much fun! Hopefully he will take me home with him.

Dad made mom a fancy birthday breakfast of pumpkin waffles.

I really liked them.

We had to go work off all the calories from breakfast so we went skiing. Apparently Mom and Dad always hurt Uncle Chris with 'fun' activities when he visits. Don't ask him about the mountain bike ride in Corvallis...

After skiing we took mom out for dinner and beer at Crux. I put on my goin'-out clothes:

Apple-wood smoked bacon and chicken panini, roast garlic puree, sun-dried tomatoes, shaved parmesan, and pale ale caesar dressing.

Asiago crusted panini, shaved parmesan, havarti, goat cheese, applewood smoked bacon, and spicy pickles.

Let's just say this wasn't my first beer.

So, when we got home, things started to get out of control. The fancy shirt had to come off and I had to let it all hang out!

Eventually, the pants had to go too:

Birthday cheesecake - gingersnap crust.

Sunday was another day on the trails. Fresh powder!

Thanksgiving #2
On Thanksgiving day, we went for a hike on the Dry River Canyon trail.

We know you think we are the handsomest guys ever, but stop taking our picture already!

Time to make our Thanksgiving feast? Let's get cooking!

What do you mean, where is the brown sugar? It's right where I put it.

In the vegetable drawer.

Despite all the help, we had a very nice dinner of slow roasted pork shoulder, sausage stuffing, apple and fennel casserole,

au jus,

a delicious sour from 10 Barrel, and

pumpkin pie with gingersnap crust and cinnamon whipped cream.

Friday, we went skiing. We stopped along the way for some snow play,

and snow eating:

Em loves snow!

Em's first bloody nose:

An 8 lb pork roast gets you four dinners and several delicious lunches, including this lunch of pork, eggs, and tortilla with spicy chipotle yogurt lime sauce:

Saturday swim:

Em mixing stuffing for dolmades:

The finished product:

Sunday, we went skiing at the Bachelor Nordic Center.

After we did a little sliding:

After sliding, it was time for pumpkin bread and coffee:

The sunrise the other morning was amazing.

Mr. M likes using utensils. He also enjoys feeding us.

If it's something he loves though - the sharing is a little slower to happen. Today M ate an entire piece of the pizza his dad made. He wouldn't even give his mom a bite of crust!

We had our parent teacher conference on Friday. Apparently Emmett walks around giving hugs and smiles all day. The ladies love him. He LOVES the cardboard castle they made for the kiddos.

This picture is here for no other reason than because Mr. M is so very adorable.

Just cheese, mom? Am I on a diet?

Now you are making me ride my bike to the mailbox? Gosh, you are going to give me a complex.

Papa thinks M needs a puppy. He already has one. See, Papa?

Here is one of those world famous hugs...

Halloween #2
Halloween 2015

Halloween 2016

Mr. M does some soothing laps before bed.

Em LOVES bread. Especially bread dad makes.

Hmmm. This reminds me of a little story. Mom left the shopping cart near the bulk coffee dispensers. While she was looking for barley, I dispensed coffee. Lots of coffee. All over the floor. It was pretty funny after we left. Quickly.

Where is Emmett? Why isn't he playing with his toys?

Because it is much more fun to be underfoot in the kitchen. Playing with Tupperware,

dirty dishes,

banging the trash can with a spoon (that you stole from the dirty dishes in the dishwasher) - bad dog,

and licking the pans and then banging them on the new floors,

The pans were replaced with cool toys over night. M no longer goes in this cabinet.

Who you calling blueberry head?

Sick Day - III
Friday evening swing.

Move over big kids.

I'm not too little for that slide.


They call me Mr. Pitiful.

M dresses himself now.

It was a rainy, pitiful weekend so we spent lots of time in the kitchen. We made apple-cranberry crisp, pasta fagioli, pumpkin scones, and roasted butternut squash, apple, and caramelized onion pizza with a garlic cannellini bean sauce.

Hopefully this guy is back real soon.

Sick Day - II
These shoes are made for walking!

Three. That is the number of accident reports school sent home with me this week. Like my bruise?

No idea why you found a paintbrush in the dryer, mom.

Look at this body.

What? It might not be a good thing I can pinch an inch?

Whatever! I'm not worried.

Lego for good karma.

Chilling with Cordy before story time.

Stomach bug (or food poisoning) x2,

Sick Day
This week, Em got pink eye. It was ugly.

But, after one dose of antibiotics, he was feeling all better. He was even eating with his fork:

and driving:

Reading a story to Cordy Roy:

Upside down? What do you mean it's upside down?

Happy Birthday from G.U.M.:

Em the maestro:

On Saturday, we rode our bikes in the rain to Tortilleria Reyes.

Delicious tacos:

PB & M:

Doh! I remembered my jean jacket, but I forgot to change out of my PJs.

That looks unsafe. Let me hold that chair.

Reading The Bear Snores On. To the bear.

Up to no good:

Venison steaks and mashed sweet potatoes and butternut squash:

Em likes to stand up in the tub now. What could possibly go wrong?

Tumalo Mountain
It has been quite a week. I've been very busy.

Let me help you unpack the groceries, Mom.

I wasn't sure if you needed foil, baggies, or saran wrap - so I got them all out for you.

Oh, you needed parchment paper to make Grandma Marie's apple cake? Don't worry, I got that out too.

What's the 'Conservation of Pant'? You really think my track pants are too tight? You can see diaper lines! But they are my favorite...

Faster, Dad!

View of Broken Top from Tumalo Mountain.

Can I have a snack?

I need to fuel up for snow walking!

Saturday evening, Mom and Dad took me to Atlas Cider and Himalayan Bites food truck. They wouldn't give me any of this:

but the picnic tables were awesome. I can't believe Mom and Dad are just sitting there drinking cider. Sitting still is for old people. I did laps and met a chihuahua.

The sky.

The Old Mill smokestacks.

You want me to rake these? I don't think so.

I don't crawl much, but I'll crawl to my new favorite food ...

kipper snacks:

Mom and Dad went on mountain bike rides this weekend. They said this may be the best mountain biking in the country. I think I'll be ready to go next year and see what all the fuss is about.

Happy Harvest
Em likes to stalk the bottle of bubbles and chase it around the table.

But whenever he gets close, it is snatched from his grasp. This doesn't get old.


Saturday was the Growing Tree Happy Harvest at DD Ranch near Smith Rock.




And pumpkin "picking":

Ha, these fools aren't paying any attention.

I'm making a break for it.

I'm free!

Mr. M in the middle of a set of pre-bedtime, high-speed walker laps around his room:

Bundled up for his long run of the week:

Ha. Take a look at what I did to this glass, Nan!

Helper Bear
Geez, these dishes are dirty.

Do I have to do everything around here?

No, no Dad. Gosh, I really do have to do everything.

Maybe if I look like a little angel Mom will forget I peed all over the bathroom floor.

Wha ha ha ha.

I'm sick Dad, can I have a hug?

We took Mr. M down to the river for some fun in the sun.

What the hell, Ma?! I was having fun eating mud.

We celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary with take-out Indian food, beer, and gelato from the Market of Choice. Emmett was not amused that the picture taking was delaying his dinner.

M has started eating with a fork and spoon. He's doing well. Our table isn't...

I think you missed your mouth Mr. M.

Work around the house continues. Our bedroom closet is now finished. Kyle said no more shoes for Becca...

Now - some action shots. Emmett is constantly on the move. He always has a secure hold on something, but that doesn't keep him from traversing great distances and getting into trouble.

Finally, sitting still for a few minutes.

East Coast Trip #1
Hanging with Pop

and Nan.

Holding new parent auditions with Auntie Michelle.

Meeting Ryan, Nora, and

G. Grandmom Marie!


Family dinner complete with Great Uncle Jim.

Baby and lobster riding a hippopotamus.

At Caz Lake with Nana.

Smooth operator Mr. M playing it cool with cutie pie Georgia.

Meeting Cousins Tobin and


Getting reacquainted with Papa and Yaya.

Comfortable again and having a blast.

Exhausted from all the fun!

Remodel Week #4
This may have been the Games of the XXXI Olympiad, but it was M's first Olympics.
As you can see, he won the gold medal in competitive eating.

He did not medal in the crawling or walking competitions. You have to be able to crawl or walk to participate.

The remodel continues. This hallway closet was once a boring place to hang jackets.

It is now bunkbeds for Emmett or an exciting small appliance and large-box-from-Costco closet. (New addition to the to-do list: build a boring place to hang jackets.)

M was so excited by the closet bunkbeds that he could not contain himself. Actually, he was very excited by the neighbors sprinkler in the following pictures.

The office wall is ready to be drywalled. Here is the view as you enter the house.

And now, from the office looking out.

Kyle finished our best bike rack ever...

Everyone always says - do you ride all those bikes? Yes. Yes, we do. In fact, we rode the two on the right to the Market of Choice for take-out Indian food. M loves, loves, loves Indian food.

The view of the mountains and mill smokestacks was amazing on the ride home. We couldn't quite capture it in a picture.

And...coming soon to a town near you!

Remodel Week #3 + M's Birthday!
By the end of third day the hallway was finished.

The fourth day, the closet and part of the living room were complete. Things started to pick up once M decided to carry his weight.

On the fifth day, we made it into the kitchen and put the fridge back.

At the end of day six we were pretty much done. Just 1.5 rows to go.

Finishing touches on day 7

All done. Can we go play now? Sure, after you put all the trim back.


and after


Which chin is ticklish? Maybe all of them.

Sometimes, while Kyle is slaving away, Mom and M lie on their backs and look at the leaves on the trees in their new backyard

and entertain themselves by taking selfies.

Now - the office wall addition.

A little wobbly.

Getting better.

And FINALLY - M is one! We bet none of our blog viewers thought we could do it...

What kind of cake did M have for his birthday? After much thought and analysis - Mr. M loves cheese and yogurt - we thought cheesecake was the perfect choice. Tangy. Cheesy. Delicious. He was unimpressed. The party hats on the other hand...

Remodel Week #2
Our flooring arrived this week.

OK, let's get crackin'. We've got work to do!

First board:

First row:

First (half) day:

M approves.

These bars won't hold me.

I will chew my way out of here.

It'll fit. I just need to push harder.

After a long day of laying floor, it's tubby time.

M may have stayed in a little long.

Are you having a hard time putting the lawn mower together, Mom? I can do it. Let me see the instructions.

It says I need to use this thing.

All done!

I'll measure that board.

End of day 2:

Remodel Week #1
We started work on the new house.
A before picture, looking from the kitchen into the living area.

After removing the baby, carpet, and trim.

Kyle took all the appliances out of the kitchen and removed the linoleum flooring.

This resulted in a large blood blister.

M had all kinds of excuses as to why he could not help out. I can't crawl. I am a baby. This hammer is too heavy.

So far, all the old flooring and trim is out of the kitchen, living area, office, and hallway and new wood floors have been ordered. The photo documenting has been very bad to date, but this wrong will be righted!
After a hard day of work, the boys relax in our new backyard.

This picture is here just because.

Other Small People
The Scolardis came for a visit this week. M was pretty fired up to see other small people.

We did some hiking and biking.

The favorite part of our first hike was not the four gorgeous waterfalls we saw. It was playing in the river.

We also went to Crater Lake.

Casey jumping off the big rock into the lake:

One day we went to the park along the Deschutes. M ate the beach while the big kids swam. River mud is very yummy.

We also went to Crux for beers and dinner on the lawn.

M was a little lost the day after everyone left. His red ball provided some solace.

Saturday night we took M to watch his first bike race, stage 4 of the Cascade Cycling Classic, the downtown criterium.

The ottoman is eating M!

If a one-piece, plaid suit isn't exciting enough...

M's new red ball takes things to another level!

Picnic in the park after the Wednesday farmers' market.

M had his usual. Mom and Dad had noodle bowls from American Monster Noodle.
The Pork Chow Chow: Pork, Smoked Corn Chow-Chow, Squash, Baby Bok Choy, Egg, Noodles & Broth. That is a soft boiled egg that has been soaked in soy and sesame sauces...

Vegetarian special.

M turned 11 this week.

The next three pictures we call the Prince Fatty Fat series:

The little prince being carried in after lunch outside.

Kyle did the Cascades 100 this weekend. It is a 100 mile mountain bike race. If you finish you get a growler.

It was Kyle's birthday this week too. Birthday breakfast was Chipotle Chilaquiles

and, you guessed it, birthday cake was carrot!

Fourth of July #1
Fourth of July picnic in the park. I know my shorts are plaid, thanks to Pop's educational video!

Giant baby attacks.

Give me...



Not sure what to say about these:

Yesterday, we dressed M up in this super-cool hat and took him on a hike at Tumalo Falls. Oh, no M, has something taken your breath away?

Was it waterfall #1?

Or, waterfall #2?

Or, was it waterfall #3?

Are we going swinging or not?

I get this whole chair to myself?

Hmmm. OK.

Guess I'll make myself comfortable.

Clam Chowder #1
Breakfast at Sunnyside Up Cafe in Corvallis. Huevos Rancheros. M loved them!

Another tasty egg breakfast.

After meetings in Corvallis, we went to Newport (the other one). The view from our oceanside condo.

Sounds fancy, doesn't it? Now check out the nautical decor...

With this to look at from the deck, we didn't spend much time inside!

M's first bowl of clam chowder. Yes, that's a pat of butter! He loved it.

116 stairs to the condo.

On Monday we went to Yaquina Head to see the lighthouse and tidal pools.


Sea urchins.

Sea stars.



Back in Bend. Lizard man taking a walk.

Hold up! I have something on my face?

I'm so embarrassed.

River side picnic dinner.

Three Bread Week
Playing trains with Cordy Roy.

Dinner in the park.

Bread #1: Classic boule

Bread #2: Coconut chocolate (first picture after being cut too soon out of the oven)

Bread #3: Pan co' santi (walnuts and craisins)

Sliding backward. If not for the couch, he'l still be going.

It's going to be a golden day.

Out for dinner at Block 15 in Corvallis.

Sunday chicken with fries and hushpuppies.

Burger Royale

Father's Day #1 much do you think we can get for Mr. M?

So, you want smashed potatoes?

Those potatoes sure were yummy! I may have overeaten.

They went right to my bum.

On Thursday Pop and M both had a birthday. You do the math.

I think I'll make Dad chocolate espresso mousse for Father's Day. First I need to separate the eggs.

Then melt the chocolate.

I'll definitely whisk some things.

Forget doing it by hand. I'm going to use this machine.

After only one minor kitchen now has an appreciation for real double boilers...

Lunch was yummy today. A BLAT with homemade beer bread and heirloom tomatoes and jowl bacon from the Farmers' Market.

Father's Day dinner at Craft Kitchen and Brewery. M's first cuban.

Father's Day pictures along Deschutes River:

School is out for summer
Busy week. Some highlights.
Rocking the middle part.

Partying at Crux.

Dinner at Fire. How big a slice of pizza do you want M?

Caprese salad and prosciutto pizza.

Emmett and Dad sharing a breadstick at the park.

Al fresco dining at Jackson's Corner.
Who wants some grilled portobello mushroom sandwich?

Or, how about spicy tomato soup and reuben?

Visiting the otters at the High Desert Museum.

Picnicking at the river.

Hanging with Nan!

Nan returns
So you're saying it hurts dad when I put my hand here?

But it's fun.

So this is peanut butter?

Not sure why you don't like it mom.

Heat wave hike along Tumalo Creek

I'm not sure if I trust this lady or not.

If she stays on her side of the car, I guess she is OK.

And, if she reads me books, I guess she can stay.

Memorial Day #1
I just took a poop, and it was this big. I'm serious. You should have seen it.

Emmett's new thing is to stand up in his chair until someone rubs his belly. Someone always does.

Trying to crawl, but going backward and getting stuck against the wall:

On Memorial Day, we went for a hike along Paulina Creek.

We crossed over to an island for lunch.

E had yogurt and apples.

The bigs' lunch was way better. Homemade bread with prosciutto and smoked mozzarella:

Mr. M standing in the creek.

Until his feet got cold.

Summertime dinner attire:

Tour de Kitchen
We can't really think of anything to say about these two pics. They just made us smile, so we included them.

Friday night was the OSU-Cascades Spring Fling. Emmett got dressed up in his going-out clothes.

Saturday was the Pole Pedal Paddle. This is a downhill ski (one run), 8k cross country ski, 22 mile bike, 5 mile run, and 1.5 mile paddle. Kyle did the paddle part with a rented paddle board. Most folks used racing canoes. Mr. M was support crew. It was a tough job. It was snowing and blowing, but M got all that ski equipment loaded in the car and was home for a nap by 11 am!

Later that afternoon there was a role reversal. Dad was support crew for Emmett's race around the kitchen. Mr. M loves his new trike from Yaya and has impressive endurance. He outlasted Mom and Dad. We are in real trouble when those little feet touch the floor. Go go go.

We now let Emmett bake bread. (As long as he wears a hair net.)

Going for a hike along the Deschutes River:

After our hike, it was time for tacos y papusas at Esta Bien. The taco was lengua. Yes, that's tongue. If you look close you can see tastebuds.

Beach party M.

I don't eat the placemat? Just the stuff in it?

Drinks at the yacht club anyone? (Check out the pants)

Say what Mom? You want to go for a jog? OK, if...

we stop for a swing.

So you want me to do what with these little round things?

Put them in my mouth?


OK. Let's make some bread!

This might be a bit scary.


Sunset from the porch.

Broken top from the guest bedroom window.

Since we live so far from Urban Steam, Kyle has started work on recreating the delicious Caprese. First try wasn't bad!

E is 8!
This week, Emmett turned 8 months old.

We celebrated with popovers:

This is how excited Emmett was to see them come out of the oven:

Birthday dinner on the porch:

Now that Emmett is 8, we let him feed himself. This is what his pants look like after feeding himself avocados:

He also drinks out of big-boy glasses now. No sippy cups for Em.

Em had lots of picnics this week. Here he is having dinner in the park before a swing.

Swinging is almost as fun as playing with feet.

He has two teeth now, and he is not afraid to bite.

"I don't care if it's spring. I'm wearing this hat!"

No more freeloading
The time has come. Emmett needs to start earning his keep. For the first six months we took it easy on him because he was helpless and cute. Example:

We are no longer swayed by his little smiles and chubby cheeks. No more mooching! Now, every morning M is responsible for opening the blinds.

He also opens and closes the cabinets.

And, if he wants to go somewhere - he has to open the garage door.

And those bedtime books don't turn themselves!

He has also started cleaning training

and sous chef practice. After a few practice strokes...

he has no problem with this pepper!

We also let Emmett know that his blog viewers are bored and he needs to kick it up a notch in the trick department as well. He can now sit

for a few seconds.

He also grew a tooth. An acceptable week.

More of the same
This blog is just more of the same. We realize it is starting to get a bit redundant. Hopefully Emmett learns some tricks soon.
Bend has 'The Lot', five food trucks surrounding a covered eating area with heated benches and 16 beers on tap. Pretty sweet. Emmett and I met Kyle for lunch on Friday afternoon.

We got lunch from A la Carte. Pork, veggie, and shrimp tacos.

Maybe M's true personality is coming through in some of these pictures.

Emmett seems to find his hairstyle inspiration from Sting.

If M is in the 15th percentile I don't want to see a baby in the 99th. Holy moley.

Look at these legs. We are worried the fat in them is cutting off blood flow to his feet.

Smile gallery:

Nothing new
A fairly boring week and very few good pictures. Too much work and not enough fun.
Emmett recently discovered the raspberry/motorboat sound. He likes to do it on Mom's face:

Tummy time:


This week's addition to the menu was sweet potatoes,

and whole pears:

Frogman after a bath to remove all excess sweet potato.

New hat:

Smile gallery:

I am 1/2!
The blog is a bit late, because Lil' E has been feeling under the weather. We're afraid he may have a serious case of hoof and mouth disease.

Actually, it's been a big week for Lil' E. There was skiing,

a new book,

and he turned 1/2 on Valentine's Day!

To celebrate, we made him a coconut creme pie. He has good taste in pies.

On his 6-month birthday, Emmett rolled over for the first time. He is now catching up to the 3-month olds! Way to go E!
He also eats like a 1/2 year old now. He likes bananas

and popovers

and pears

and yogurt.

Clean plate club!

Smile gallery:

Michelin Man
There is a striking similarity between this guy

and this guy.

Getting ready for some intense rollover training.

This weekend we did some skiing. A little bit of downhill at Mt Bachelor

and some cross-country too. This tree was much more impressive in real life.

Further evidence that toys are totally unnecessary.

Now, if M could talk:
What? I don't match? But I put on all my striped clothes...

I'm a pretty neat eater.

I even wipe my face when I am done. You're welcome, Nan.

We celebrated Becca Day #15 (we had our first adventure 15 years ago this weekend). On the menu? Take-out sushi (Becca's first real sushi in over a year!) Fried calamari, a nigiri sushi flight, and some fancy rolls.

And finally, the smile gallery:

What makes a good toy?
For example, flying very high overhead.

Or, what better incentive to roll over than hot coffee?

And, if it explicitly says 'xxx is not a toy', then it most certainly is. We now believe the warnings on plastic bags about them not being toys is just the toy manufacturing companies trying to make sure M doesn't have fun!

Despite continued bad parenting, M remains a very happy boy (unless you try to leave him with the nice babysitters at the pool). Smile gallery:

Here is Kyle at five months.

and again

and now M.

M seemed very interested in dad's yogurt. So, we gave him some. It was plain yogurt.

Maybe a little too tart? M asked for a bit more...

Fool me once...

It seems that most of the food ends up on the bib, but given this cellulite covered little appears some of it is going in!

After a disappointing weigh in at the doctor's office we started a new and improved bulk-up program. M is now eating a lot more each day plus rice cereal. Day 1 the spoon and cereal were met with suspicion.

Day 2 he decided he could feed himself better than we can.

Day 3 the high chair arrived and all the pieces fell into place.

Clean plate club!

Or maybe, M just loves to shove things in his mouth. Rice cereal, giraffes, noses, hands...

Hopefully M is as happy with his new throne as we are. It will turn into a desk chair when he's done using it as a high chair!

Now a few other things:
We were not aware, but a cheek pinch done properly requires both cheeks to be pinched. So, righting that wrong.

Garden gnome!

The snow bear and dad after yet another great ski day.

Food pictures!
We went to lunch at Spork.
Lomo Saltado - Peruvian stir fry - steak, red potatoes, sweet peppers, grilled tomato, soy, crema, radish, egg, and jasmine rice.

Spicy pork noodle bowl.

And now the smile gallery:

M is 5 months!

He probably looks sad because despite hitting this milestone, he still can't roll over...even after intensive daily roll over training.

What do we say about this 'shortcoming'? Who cares!

M will roll over when he is good and ready. In the meantime, he is focusing his energies on flying

and giving kisses (this process involves grabbing as much of mom or dad's face as possible and rubbing a slobbery mouth all over it while growling and pinching (hard!)).

We are sure we left the hospital with the right baby, but we don't see much resemblance. Do you think he looks like dad

or mom?

And finally - Grandma Marie - this cheek pinch is for you!

Theme this week - smiling.
Smiling while rough housing with mom:

Smiling while helping mom and dad cook:

Smiling while rough housing with dad:

Smiling while being tickled:

Saturday breakfast at Becca's favorite restaurant, Kyle's Kitchen.
Coffee (in the world's greatest coffee maker):

Purple sweet potato hash, posole, fried egg, avocado, bacon:

Growth check. Age 0:

Age 4.83 months:

New folding tuning bench:

E's First Christmas
Christmas eve tapas.

Christmas morning coffee cake — made with coconut oil this year.

Christmas ski.

Christmas tree and Lil’ E.

Christmas beer in Christmas pint glasses.

Christmas sweet potato and apple casserole topped with hazelnuts.

Christmas dinner. Ham, broccoli, and sweet potato casserole.

Christmas yule log.

Christmas presents.

Christmas dance on the counter in stylish new bearfoot velour outfit.

Christmas dinosaur.

I am 1/3!
I’m how old?

Four months, Lil’ E. Four months.

What’s 4 divided by 12, Lil’ E?
That’s right. 1/3.

Emmett Otter and his Ma (has anyone seen this Christmas movie?), in front of the Christmas branch.

Sophie la Girafe, oh how I love you. So yummy.

Happy Em!

Look at the size of this belly.

So heavy. Dad taking a break (about to die?) from towing the little huskeroo up all the hills.

Off we go.
Carly Simon
This week we will play name that tune!
Here we go...
You walked into the party like you were walking onto a yacht
Your hat strategically dipped below one eye

Your scarf it was apricot
You had one eye in the mirror as you watched yourself gavotte

And all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner
They'd be your partner, and...

If you don’t have it yet - the chorus will give it away.
You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you
You're so vain, I'll bet you think this song is about you
Don't you? don't you?

What is M staring at?

...his lantern from Great Uncle Jim. It is MUCH more interesting than Mom.

M headed back to the pool this week.

Michael Phelps watch out. Here is a video. I still haven’t figured out why some of you can’t see the movies, but I am trying!
He also headed back into the woods for a ski. We received 46 inches in the past three days in the mountains. Pretty awesome snow. 

At the end of the ski, we picked out and cut down our Christmas tree. It was more expensive than our normal tree, $5. Charlie Brown watch out.

Santa’s little helper:

Thank you, Auntie Shake, for my elf duds!

Large, striped elfin feet:

Lil’ E going for a ski:

The Swampy Lakes Shelter:

Lil’ E enjoying a bottle by the fire:

Apres-ski story time:

Birthday cheesecake:

Can you say Pop?
Looking sharp in Cousin Ryan’s track suit.

Licking the track suit. Emmett likes to lick things, everything.

Going out to play in the snow in his new snowsuit from Nan!

First snow angel.

First ski.

Ski kit for the Chariot from Nana.

First time with Pop. (Pop is the one with the glasses.)

Laughing at Pop.

The view from Pop’s room on Thanksgiving morning.

Food pictures!
Thanksgiving dinner menu:
Kale salad with spicy butternut squash, apples, and cheddar.
Baked fennel and apples with a cheddar cheese and bread crumb topping - sounds so weird, but was so delicious.
Sausage stuffing.
Beer-can chicken.
Blueberry galette.

First swim.
Swim diaper.


No, M did not cry.

He was nervous at first, but relaxed and didn’t even mind being dunked - a time or two or four!

Tummy & tubby time
Emmett likes to play with Sophie la Girafe.

Emmett likes to eat Sophie la Girafe.

The weekly milk coma photo:

Tubby time!

Lil’ E wrapped in his towel ... before the towel was soaked with urine.

Tummy time!

Three Months
Lil’ E is currently a big fan of motor boat sounds.

And a big fan of his Ma.

If he’s looking a little less youthful than normal, that’s because he’s three months old now!

He’s getting pretty good at spinning Mr. Googly Eyes.

He’s turned into a thumb sucker.

And, he gives us the lip when he’s upset. Here, he’s mad because no one made him a carrot cake for his three month birthday.

Ending on a happier picture:

Happy Batman, Batman!
Good morning, Lil’ E. Biiiig stretch! Looks like you slept with your head in a puddle of drool again - way to go, buddy.

Tummy-time training:

Powering through the hurt:

Happy Batman:

Happy Halloween
M gets really angry and impatient if I try to make him burp in the middle of eating - so he head butts me.

He gets over it pretty quickly and when he’s done eating takes a big stretch.

He is enjoying his new toy...

but finds it exhausting.

Either way, it is much more enjoyable than tummy time, which he seems to hate.

Aren’t these great hands?

Story time with a new book from Papa.

As of Thursday night we had no Halloween decorations or costume. Then the spooky ghost came in the mail from Nan and a card from Great Grandma and we started feeling like bad parents, so Friday I went to Michael’s for supplies and we made a costume and jack o’lanterns on Saturday...for a two month old.

A heart is not judged by how much you love; but how much you are loved by others. L. Frank Baum/Tin Man

Sparks Lake
What happens when Papa is left alone with M? Lots of smiles and lots and lots of pictures.

We took a drive up the Cascades Lake Highway this weekend. We stopped at Sparks Lake for a picnic and some pictures.

Ya-Ya and Papa's NW Tour
It was a busy week.
Nana’s visit came to a close.

M turned two months. We could not choose just one picture...

He requested carrot cake to celebrate.

And Ya Ya and Papa arrived after a NW tour.

Sightseeing and Nana
This was a major sightseeing week for us. The Nan, M, and I went to Crater Lake on Monday.

Nan, M, and I went to Smith Rock on Thursday and then Nana, M, and Kyle went on Sunday. I swear this hat said it was for infants.

M is quite a smiler lately. Must be all the attention from doting grandmothers!

Nana and M.

Nan's Visit Part II
Check out these new duds from Nan. Em’s first time wearing pants! We love the kimono style easy.

My name is Lil’ E

and I’m a handsome fellow.

Today I’m wearing stylish duck PJs.

Nan goes to bed exhausted every day. Cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, taking Em for walks, changing never ends.

It was cold on Saturday. We went with a layering approach.

Hi, Mom.

I’m tired. It’s hard work being so cute.

Check out my red socks.

Em loves to talk to Nan. Here he is in the act.

This is our new outdoor 100m lap pool. We’ve been enjoying swimming in the sun, but the roof is going on next week for the winter.

Lunch on Saturday at Jackson’s Corner in downtown Bend. Chicken curry soup and a pulled pork with roasted red pepper sandwich for Bec,

and salmon chowder with a bacon caprese sandwich for The Nan.

Em stayed home and had a bottle.
Nan in the House
Last Sunday we had a picnic down by the river and then went for a walk to check out the new whitewater park. It was pretty cool.

We love having a front porch. Kyle and Emmett having drinks before dinner.

Everyone thinks their kid is exceptional. We know for a fact, evidence below, that ours is above average in POOPING. This is 1.5 days worth of diapers drying.

Six weeks seems like a good time to begin suggesting colleges.

Emmett got a new bib from Robin at OSU. Go Beavs!

Nan has arrived! Emmett has a new walking partner.

Check out this cool hoody Nana sent.

Whoa! Look at that!

We went for another picnic this Sunday as well. This time we went to Dillon Falls near the Deschutes River Trail.

Weak Week For Pictures
M turned one month on Monday. Time is flying by.

Cousin Ryan sent some clothes, toys, and a FROG TOWEL. It is awesome to have an older cousin, especially one with a Puma track suit (can’t wait until that fits). Thanks Ry Guy.

Unlike Dad, M loves bathing.

Larry sent a Vermont Teddy Bear with articulating arms and legs. It currently provides more entertainment for us as you can see.

Some Firsts
First bath.

First trip in the stroller. There is the obvious precious cargo and the not so obvious.

A trip to Love Handles resulted in a napping baby and a growler full of sour. Not too shabby.

First day without Dad.

First (but not the last) time flipping his parents off.

Now some of our favorite shots from the week.
Check out this sleep sequence.

Not sure who fell asleep first...

And he may burp and toot like a big boy, but he’s still pretty little.

Emmett - Week 2

A few pictures from this week:
These people keep taking pictures of me. Here I am in a milk coma.

Mom snapped a few shots of me napping with dad.

I try to ignore them so they stop,

but then they just take their pictures while I sleep.

Sometimes you just got to give them what they want.

My big excitement for the week was that my stump fell off,

leaving me with a (still slightly bloody) belly button:

Emmett - First Days

I know you want to leave the hospital, but what you don’t realize is that I am in charge now.

Dad likes to make baby burritos.

Do these diapers make my butt look big?

I need a manicure so I can stop wearing these funny mittens.

Let me think about that.

I know they say I should sleep on my back, but this is way more comfortable, plus I think making mom and dad worry is fun. Isn’t the hat our neighbor knitted me awesome?

So these are bicycle crunches?

5% of the day I look like this

or this

and the rest of the day I look something more like this.

It was in the 60’s today. Overcompensation?

Now this is more like it.

First family photo:

Name Game
Road Trip 2015
A summary of our trip. My camera only worked intermittently, so pictures are fairly random.
- Total mileage: 5966 miles
- Total cost of gas: $850
- Map shows route roughly and stars indicate places we stayed.

The trip out.
- States we passed through: Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island.
- Places we stayed: Hain Lake State Fishing Area - Kansas, Cobb Ridge Campground - Missouri, Malone Lake State Park - Kentucky, and Gerald R. Freeman Campground - West Virginia.

Missouri: had the nicest campgrounds and awesome trails going up and down hollows.

Kentucky had mean dogs. West Virginia was mountainous and full of fireflies. We also saw the Kingsford charcoal plant there. Both were humid, so my camera wouldn’t turn on.
New York: Ithaca is gorges :)

Connecticut: introducing Connecticut’s best new chef, Sonata Webb. Look at some of the food we ate...
BBQ - smoked ribs and pork and grilled chicken and veggies:

Breakfast: crepes, eggs, and bacon

Dinner: filet with porcini mushroom sauce and seared scallops

The chef:

I’d like to say we only ate like pigs in CT, but every where we visited, we were totally spoiled and fed amazing meals and waited on!
Kyle did a race while there, so his calories were well used. Mine appear to have gone to my belly.

Rhode Island: we got to swim in the ocean!

We also went to the aquarium. I think we enjoyed it more than Nora.

We celebrated Chief Al’s birthday on Jim’s rooftop patio and got to stay overnight in the amazing Gilded Lily (thanks Jim!).

We had a very special guest while in RI, my nan.

Trip back.
- States passed through: Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Colorado.
- Places we stayed: Storr’s Pond - New Hampshire, Fish Creek Pond - the Adirondacks, Lake Erie State Park - New York, Sugarcreek Inn - Ohio, Jubilee College State Park - Illinois, Randall Creek Recreation Area - South Dakota, Custer State Park - South Dakota, and North Sterling State Park - Colorado.

We also visited Niagara Falls.

One night we camped on Lake Erie.

We also went to the Badlands in South Dakota.

And that same day visited Mt. Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Monument.

Our second night in South Dakota we stayed at Custer State Park. It had a wildlife loop you could drive. I don’t think either of these guys were ‘wild’, but they were cool to see regardless.

Our last night on the road. Don’t be fooled. I wasn’t cooking. I got used to having other people wait on me. This shot was totally posed.

Turkey Day
We headed to the ABQ for Turkey Day. Thursday was the delicious food.
Friday was the Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument.

Saturday night was the San Luis Brewery

And Sunday was the Great Sand Dunes National Park

Finally - unrelated, but we had some visitors at the cabin and I couldn’t resist sharing.

MC in the House
Mama Carol visited this past weekend.
We went on two hikes. One in Cheyenne Canyon and

one in the Garden of the Gods.

We went leaf peeping on the Gold Belt Tour and

on a wine tour at Swirl.

Mom taught me how to make pasta fagioli.

We selfishly kept all the pasta fagioli for dinners during the week and went for dinner at 503W.

This past week, there were many visitors to the cabin. Like these guys:

And these guys:

And this guy:

There was also skiing and food, as there should be.

Carrot Cake
Last weekend Kyle did a 68 mile mountain bike race in Breckenridge. In addition to being a rather long race, it also had 8400 feet of climbing.

Here is the elevation profile from the race in case you think I am exaggerating (as we know I have a tendency to do).

I went to watch the end. The rest of the day I spent on a hike. The wildflowers were beautiful.

There were a few people, who will remain nameless, that were concerned I was shirking my birthday cake making duties this week. The first thing I did when I got home from Minnesota was to make a carrot cake with coconut cream cheese frosting - so everyone can relax.

The Pictures
Chris wanted to know where all the pictures I made everyone pose for were...

March Skiing
Chris and Chief Al came out for some skiing. It was sunny one day.

Most other days were snowy and cold.

So cold that when Kyle did the Breckebeiner he left with frostbite on his cheek. Chief Al and I were the only spectators...

We had another visitor this March. He enjoyed our leftover waffles.

This past weekend we went to Winter Park to ski at the Devil's Thumb Ranch nordic center. We stayed at Gasthaus Eichler.

This was not only a guesthouse, it was also a GERMAN restaurant. We had Kassler Rippchen,


Linzer torte,

and Black Forest torte.

Nan, don't worry. We skied a lot, so we earned every single calorie!
We had two beautiful days with some fantastic skiing. The view down the valley:

Kyle and an abandoned barn:

A bad self-portrait:

Pow wow with Chief Al
Chief Al has been sent to work in Phoenix. The one positive - proximity to Colorado. We made sure we were well prepared.
Saturday we went to Bishop's Castle.
We finished the day off on the patio at Edelweiss.
On Sunday, Kyle rode up Pikes Peak and we followed in the car.
We spent the rest of the afternon at a swimming hole.
Ski Trip - 032012
Chris, Momma Carol, and Chief Al came for a visit and some skiing. There was no fresh powder, but there was plenty of sunshine.
Conditions at Crested Butte weren't worth the drive, so Chef Kyle recreated the Secret Stash Woodward for us.
I think it's safe to say a fun time was had by all.
East Coast Invasion
Jim, Cheryl and Miles came out for a visit last month. We toured Manitou, the Garden of the Gods, and the Air Force Academy Chapel. We also made sure to stop at the wine bar. They had some delicious hot toddies on the menu.
Then it was off to the mountains for skiing at Breck, A-Basin, and Beaver Creek. Kyle and Jim before the first run of the trip.
Miles, Jim, and Cheryl at the top of Breckenridge.
Cheryl, me, and Jim at the top of A-Basin.
It was a fun time!
East Coast Sights
A few pics from our wonderful visit to the east coast.
The Boston skyline as seen from Uncle Jim's roof.
A picture from one of my most favorite places on earth, Block Island.
The new little man in the Cullion family.
Stonington roses.
More Stonington flowers.
Sunset on Candewood Lake.
Amelia and Tobin taking a swim.
The new little man in the Webb family.
Tinker Falls in the Labrador Hollow Unique Area in Tully, NY.
Caz flowers - part I
Caz flowers - part II
Momma C & Chief Al Come to Town
Momma C & Chief Al were in town this past week. We did a little sightseeing on the first day, stopping at the Spice of Life in Manitou for coffee and then heading over to the Air Force Chapel. There was a wedding in the chapel - so we didn't get to see much of the inside.
Outside the Spice of Life
Air Force Church
We spent most of the week at the cabin, where Momma C did too much cleaning and Chief Al did unnecessary shoveling.
I Must Clean This Dirty Stove.
Shoveling the Deck
The skiing was great and it was wonderful to be able to spend time together. We got to see a moose which was an added bonus. Unfortunately Michelle was not here with her superdooper fancy lens, so it's not a great shot of him.
Breckenridge Peak 9 Moose
Post Skiing Coffees
Dinner at the Blue Star