May 2016
Memorial Day #1
30/05/16 19:23 Filed in: Family
Posted by: Becca & Kyle
I just took a poop, and it was this big. I'm serious. You should have seen it.

Emmett's new thing is to stand up in his chair until someone rubs his belly. Someone always does.

Trying to crawl, but going backward and getting stuck against the wall:

On Memorial Day, we went for a hike along Paulina Creek.

We crossed over to an island for lunch.

E had yogurt and apples.

The bigs' lunch was way better. Homemade bread with prosciutto and smoked mozzarella:

Mr. M standing in the creek.

Until his feet got cold.

Summertime dinner attire:

I just took a poop, and it was this big. I'm serious. You should have seen it.

Emmett's new thing is to stand up in his chair until someone rubs his belly. Someone always does.

Trying to crawl, but going backward and getting stuck against the wall:

On Memorial Day, we went for a hike along Paulina Creek.

We crossed over to an island for lunch.

E had yogurt and apples.

The bigs' lunch was way better. Homemade bread with prosciutto and smoked mozzarella:

Mr. M standing in the creek.

Until his feet got cold.

Summertime dinner attire:

Tour de Kitchen
22/05/16 20:17 Filed in: Family
Posted by: Becca & Kyle
We can't really think of anything to say about these two pics. They just made us smile, so we included them.

Friday night was the OSU-Cascades Spring Fling. Emmett got dressed up in his going-out clothes.

Saturday was the Pole Pedal Paddle. This is a downhill ski (one run), 8k cross country ski, 22 mile bike, 5 mile run, and 1.5 mile paddle. Kyle did the paddle part with a rented paddle board. Most folks used racing canoes. Mr. M was support crew. It was a tough job. It was snowing and blowing, but M got all that ski equipment loaded in the car and was home for a nap by 11 am!

Later that afternoon there was a role reversal. Dad was support crew for Emmett's race around the kitchen. Mr. M loves his new trike from Yaya and has impressive endurance. He outlasted Mom and Dad. We are in real trouble when those little feet touch the floor. Go go go.

We now let Emmett bake bread. (As long as he wears a hair net.)

Going for a hike along the Deschutes River:

After our hike, it was time for tacos y papusas at Esta Bien. The taco was lengua. Yes, that's tongue. If you look close you can see tastebuds.

We can't really think of anything to say about these two pics. They just made us smile, so we included them.

Friday night was the OSU-Cascades Spring Fling. Emmett got dressed up in his going-out clothes.

Saturday was the Pole Pedal Paddle. This is a downhill ski (one run), 8k cross country ski, 22 mile bike, 5 mile run, and 1.5 mile paddle. Kyle did the paddle part with a rented paddle board. Most folks used racing canoes. Mr. M was support crew. It was a tough job. It was snowing and blowing, but M got all that ski equipment loaded in the car and was home for a nap by 11 am!

Later that afternoon there was a role reversal. Dad was support crew for Emmett's race around the kitchen. Mr. M loves his new trike from Yaya and has impressive endurance. He outlasted Mom and Dad. We are in real trouble when those little feet touch the floor. Go go go.

We now let Emmett bake bread. (As long as he wears a hair net.)

Going for a hike along the Deschutes River:

After our hike, it was time for tacos y papusas at Esta Bien. The taco was lengua. Yes, that's tongue. If you look close you can see tastebuds.

Mr. M at 3/4
15/05/16 19:13
Posted by: Becca & Kyle
This week, Emmett turned 3/4. He ate most of his birthday sign before we could get a picture.

Bad dog.

You can see the bite marks in this one:

Careful you don't fall over, Em ... Oops.


Mmmmm, kale:

Lil' E and Cordy Roy

Now that Em is 9 months old, he starts his day with a hot cup of coffee.

No dairy before 1 year, so he takes it black.

In anticipation of soon-to-develop standing skills, we lowered Emmett's crib mattress this week. (Once again, no, he did not do this himself.)

This week, Emmett turned 3/4. He ate most of his birthday sign before we could get a picture.

Bad dog.

You can see the bite marks in this one:

Careful you don't fall over, Em ... Oops.


Mmmmm, kale:

Lil' E and Cordy Roy

Now that Em is 9 months old, he starts his day with a hot cup of coffee.

No dairy before 1 year, so he takes it black.

In anticipation of soon-to-develop standing skills, we lowered Emmett's crib mattress this week. (Once again, no, he did not do this himself.)

Mother's Day #1
08/05/16 19:11
Posted by: Becca & Kyle
I think you missed one Mr. Em.

Emmett goes for a run at least three times a week. When you're going for a run, you need to wear your sweatband.

Lil' E was trying out the part this week:

Come on, Em. How many times do we have to tell you? The cat goes in the cat; the dog goes in the dog. It's not that hard.

Who made you wear that hat?

Holy shit, Ma! This place has swings!

No crawling yet, but some standing. (No, he did not pull himself up.)

Just one example of the many pictures we don't share:

Emmett the engineer:

Mother's Day pictures:

Mother's Day bread:

More Mother's Day photos:

Mother's Day beer and tacos at Crux:

Kid-friendly lawn. There were babies and toddlers everywhere.

One kid came up and said, "Is that a baby? He has a hat." He then touched Emmett's head, which only made him cry just a little. (Em has a bit of toughening up to do.)

I think you missed one Mr. Em.

Emmett goes for a run at least three times a week. When you're going for a run, you need to wear your sweatband.

Lil' E was trying out the part this week:

Come on, Em. How many times do we have to tell you? The cat goes in the cat; the dog goes in the dog. It's not that hard.

Who made you wear that hat?

Holy shit, Ma! This place has swings!

No crawling yet, but some standing. (No, he did not pull himself up.)

Just one example of the many pictures we don't share:

Emmett the engineer:

Mother's Day pictures:

Mother's Day bread:

More Mother's Day photos:

Mother's Day beer and tacos at Crux:

Kid-friendly lawn. There were babies and toddlers everywhere.

One kid came up and said, "Is that a baby? He has a hat." He then touched Emmett's head, which only made him cry just a little. (Em has a bit of toughening up to do.)

Emmett Rules!
01/05/16 15:51
Posted by: Becca & Kyle
This week, we decided to let Emmett dress himself. It didn't go well:

Before and after. Lil' Green E, before he filled out his Dartmouth onesie:

Now it's almost too small:

Turtle Mouth working on new sounds.

Another before-and-after sequence. First day in a way-too-big Beaver onesie:

Fits just right now:

Emmett rules!

Hold on to those bricks, Mr. Em.

Just moments before rolling back and bouncing his head off the only-slightly-padded patio:

This week, we decided to let Emmett dress himself. It didn't go well:

Before and after. Lil' Green E, before he filled out his Dartmouth onesie:

Now it's almost too small:

Turtle Mouth working on new sounds.

Another before-and-after sequence. First day in a way-too-big Beaver onesie:

Fits just right now:

Emmett rules!

Hold on to those bricks, Mr. Em.

Just moments before rolling back and bouncing his head off the only-slightly-padded patio: