December 2009

Christmas 2009

Posted by; Becca

Merry Christmas! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.

CHRISTMAS EVE (Momma Carol's birthday): We drove up to the cabin on Christmas Eve, making sure we left early enough that there would be some light left to find a good tree. Our eyes are bigger than our Element. Side note: the Element is back! It wasn't a smooth return...30 minutes after picking it up from the collision center, the check engine light went on! Everything is OK now, and we are VERY happy to have our wonderful little car back.

Christmas Tree Sort of in the Element

Tree Decorated

After putting up the tree, Kyle and I tackled the next Christmas activity, cookie baking. We made Marie/Mom's Greek cookie recipe and Diane's Butter Ball recipe. SUCCESS! We probably should have made them weeks ago and given them as gifts, but now there are more for us.

Greek and Butter Ball Cookies

CHRISTMAS DAY: Chris came through with my favorite new t-shirt as a Christmas gift. Maybe I will wear it for the first day of class. We headed to A-Basin for a little skiing Christmas morning. Strangely, we were the only car on the road. Perhaps because it was Christmas day or maybe because it was -15F when we left the house. The skiing was terrific, but it was COLD! After skiing we made a 9lb ham. Needless to say, we had leftovers.

A Doctor, but Not the REAL Kind.


World Cup

Posted by: Becca

We went to watch the World Cup downhill race at Beaver Creek this Saturday. Carlo Janka & Didier Cuche from Switzerland were first and second. Aksel Svindal of Norway came in third. We stood at the finish line, but thanks to a jumbo-tron we got to see most of the race. It was a very exciting.

World Cup Finish Line.

One of the Americans racing, Jeremy Transue, is a GVMS alumus who grew up skiing at Hunter Mountain. He apparently goes by 'The Worm'.

The Worm's Fan Club

After the race is was back home for birthday lasagna. The cook's attire did not inspire confidence...but it ended up being delicious. Sauce, cheese, and sausage. Is there a better combination?

Chef Kyle
