March 2010

Skiing in the Backyard

Posted by: Kyle

We've been pretty busy on the weekends this winter, so lately we've been doing a lot more skiing right out the door, up on Pennsylvania Mountain. We can put our skis on in the driveway and be up to almost 13,000 feet in about an hour. There's a nice bowl up there that we can take laps on. It's nice not to have to get in the car to drive anywhere to ski, and it saves a lot of time. We just put our skis on in the driveway, head through the yard

and up the road

We can be at the end of the road in about fifteen minutes, and to treeline in about fifteen more. In less than an hour from the house, we're at the top of the mountain in the photo below, where we can start skiing.

The skiing can be really good some days, and crowds aren't usually a problem.

It can get pretty windy up there, so the snow doesn't stick around for too long after a storm. Here's Becca enjoying a nice breezy spring day.

It's hard up there for a tree.

After a few good laps it's back down the road, through the yard, and home in time for lunch.


Winter's End

Posted by: Becca

Usually we get a fair amount of snow in the mountains but the weather in Manitou is mild. That has not been the case this year. We have had snow in town almost every week this season and have spent more time riding our bikes in the basement than one would like. Despite the snow in town, it has not been a very good snow year for the mountains, but this past week the snow stake in the yard registered close to 4 ft after several months hovering around 2 ft. The driveway had about 1 foot of new snow last Friday. Kyle cleared it while I found things to do inside!

We have been taking advantage of the new snow and have been skiing in our backyard!
