September 2010

Lake City to Creede - Leaf Peeping

Posted by: Becca

This past weekend we headed to southwestern Colorado for some biking, hiking, and leaves. We drove down to Lake City Friday night and camped just outside the town. Saturday morning started with coffee at Mean Jean's Coffee House in Lake City.

When it finally warmed up, it probably dropped into the 30's overnight, we headed out on a bike ride. First we passed Lake San Cristobal, formed by a massive mudslide many years before.

The top of Slumgullion Pass was anticlimatic after the views on the way up.

But, the views on the way down were amazing.

It wasn't all downhill, we had another pass to climb. This one was a little lower.

A friendly Texan called out to Kyle at the top of this pass "Are you waiting for her? She's having some trouble getting up the hill, but she's not that far behind." He found this hysterical.

After some 'recovery' ice cream...

we headed to Creede.

We had tacos and margaritas at Kip's was just like the Kip's in Pagosa. Delicious!

We camped in Creede.

And then headed out for a hike.


Imogene Pass Run

Posted by: Kyle

Last weekend we headed down to the southwest corner of the state to Ouray and Telluride for the Imogene Pass Trail Race. It's a running race from Ouray to Telluride along a jeep road that crosses Imogene Pass. Here's the elevation profile.

The weather was perfect, and the race was a lot of fun. Ouray and Telluride may be the two most beautiful towns in the country. We stayed in Telluride, took a shuttle over to Ouray early Saturday morning, and ran back to the finish in Telluride. Here are a couple of pictures of Main Street in Telluride.

Telluride has a downtown and a mountain village up on the mountain at the base of the ski area. The two are connected by a free public gondola that runs from 6 am to 12 am daily. We took a ride up the gondola to explore the mountain village.

In this picture from the gondola you can faintly see the Imogene Pass Road that we ran on as it comes down from the pass.


Backpacking Tuhare Lakes

Posted by: Becca

We went backpacking in the Holy Cross Wilderness Area over Labor Day weekend.

We hiked Fall Creek trail past Lake Constantine,

and up to Tuhare Lakes, which is where we camped.

An ermine came to visit us at our campsite, and we saw a bunch marmots like this fella here.


Fort Collins

Posted by: Becca

We went to Fort Collins for the XTERRA Lory Off-Road Triathlon at the end of August. Fort Collins is a very cool town, and the race was great. Kyle finished well before me, so he had time to go to the car, get his camera, and take pictures...

After the race.

Kyle on the podium.
