September 2018
Cheese Pizza
30/09/18 15:14
Posted by: Becca and Kyle
I've been putting my new masher to good use. This week I made applesauce and guacamole.

Great Auntie Cheryl sent me a cookie cookbook and cookie press. I only had to say 'Please I make cookies tonight, please' seventeen times before the Bigs broke and let me. (The Bigs are total suckers for politeness.) I don't know why they were complaining. I did ALL the work and I made delicious cookies. Sheesh.

In addition to honing my baking skills, I've been working on my smile. Say Cheese Pizza.

We went to Waldo Lake for some paddle boarding. It was very pretty and I couldn't resist taking a dip.

I've been putting my new masher to good use. This week I made applesauce and guacamole.

Great Auntie Cheryl sent me a cookie cookbook and cookie press. I only had to say 'Please I make cookies tonight, please' seventeen times before the Bigs broke and let me. (The Bigs are total suckers for politeness.) I don't know why they were complaining. I did ALL the work and I made delicious cookies. Sheesh.

In addition to honing my baking skills, I've been working on my smile. Say Cheese Pizza.

We went to Waldo Lake for some paddle boarding. It was very pretty and I couldn't resist taking a dip.

Oktober Fest - Not
23/09/18 19:35
Posted by: Becca and Kyle
I chase fires. Not quickly though. My boots are still too big.

The Bigs suggested we go to Bend Oktoberfest for strudel. I could have told them it was going to be lame and have no schnitzel, strudel or the like given the fact it is in SEPTEMBER. They felt bad about hyping up strudel and bought me a purple smoothie to make up for it.

This is how you get air, Dad.

Bigs, you're fun and all, but Vivian is way cuter.

Dad, strange kids are attacking Mom.

We've been doing a lot of construction. By we, I mean Mom and I play and Dad works.
Look, the office trim is finished

and we have a paddle board rack!

I chase fires. Not quickly though. My boots are still too big.

The Bigs suggested we go to Bend Oktoberfest for strudel. I could have told them it was going to be lame and have no schnitzel, strudel or the like given the fact it is in SEPTEMBER. They felt bad about hyping up strudel and bought me a purple smoothie to make up for it.

This is how you get air, Dad.

Bigs, you're fun and all, but Vivian is way cuter.

Dad, strange kids are attacking Mom.

We've been doing a lot of construction. By we, I mean Mom and I play and Dad works.
Look, the office trim is finished

and we have a paddle board rack!

Meera is three!
16/09/18 19:00
Posted by: Becca and Kyle
I was under the impression that birthday parties were dinner with the neighbors and some chocolate cake. The Bigs have some explaining to do. Meera had her third birthday party at a gym.

And, juice boxes?! Why is this the first time I have seen one of these things?

We went to Hola! to celebrate the Bigs 11th anniversary. Thank you, Nana!
Mom and Dad had a whole pitcher of margaritas. Good thing we rode bikes there.

Cause Limena: Traditional preparation of Peruvian Tataki spicy tuna, with Aji pepper, key lime infused mashed potato and pressed into a cake. Served cold, with avocado, cilantro oil and fresh scallions.
Lenguado al Chorrillo Bay Style: Halibut, prawns, calamari, onion and tomatoes wok-fried with chorrillana style sauce.
I had a chicken burrito, but I would have been just as happy with a bowl of their green salsa and a spoon. I LOVE that stuff.
The weather forecast said 60's and sunny, so we said - let's go paddle boarding. The weatherman was wrong. That's OK because we went to Newberry Monument and saw many beautiful things.
Paulina (left) and East (right) Lakes.

Paulina Falls.

I was under the impression that birthday parties were dinner with the neighbors and some chocolate cake. The Bigs have some explaining to do. Meera had her third birthday party at a gym.

And, juice boxes?! Why is this the first time I have seen one of these things?

We went to Hola! to celebrate the Bigs 11th anniversary. Thank you, Nana!
Mom and Dad had a whole pitcher of margaritas. Good thing we rode bikes there.

Cause Limena: Traditional preparation of Peruvian Tataki spicy tuna, with Aji pepper, key lime infused mashed potato and pressed into a cake. Served cold, with avocado, cilantro oil and fresh scallions.

Lenguado al Chorrillo Bay Style: Halibut, prawns, calamari, onion and tomatoes wok-fried with chorrillana style sauce.

I had a chicken burrito, but I would have been just as happy with a bowl of their green salsa and a spoon. I LOVE that stuff.

The weather forecast said 60's and sunny, so we said - let's go paddle boarding. The weatherman was wrong. That's OK because we went to Newberry Monument and saw many beautiful things.

Paulina (left) and East (right) Lakes.

Paulina Falls.

Coast Trip
09/09/18 17:24
Posted by: Becca & Kyle
We spent the first night of our coast trip at Toketee Lake.

We did a hike on the NUT (North Umpqua Trail), a very beautiful trail that has notoriously bad poison oak. Good way to start a trip. Right?

Whoa. I thought I was big.

I hiked all the way to the top of Toketee Falls.

On the second morning of our trip we hit the Umpqua Hot Springs. We wore bathing suits. Others did not. I stared.

The sign at the end of the Cape Blanco State Park road said the campground was full when we got there. OMG. The bigs ignored the sign and drove on. There were three spots left. PHEW. Good job Bigs.

Look at the view.

I LOVE lighthouses.

Here I am trying to build my own.

We were the only people on this whole beach.

Mom is always making us take family pictures. I do NOT like it.

Floras Lake Beach on the way home from Blacklock Point.

Let's skateboard, Mom.

A very nice old man took the camera away from Mom during yet another one of her stupid family picture attempts and took it for us.

We cooked sausages and marshmallows on the fire. I liked cooking the marshmallow, but not eating it. Hot. Gooey. Yuck. The Bigs were happy to eat mine.

We spent the whole day playing at Secret Beach. The Bigs went swimming. The water was 55 F. No thank you.

We worked up quite a hunger and stopped at the Crazy Norwegian's Fish and Chips.

The bigs ordered fried oysters as an appetizer to share. Not at my table. You put down fried oysters, I'm eating them all!

We stopped at Devil's Kitchen (hmmm...I like to cook. Think the bigs were trying to tell me something?) on the way out.

We spent our last night back on the Umpqua River.

We are afraid of no body of cold water.

We spent the first night of our coast trip at Toketee Lake.

We did a hike on the NUT (North Umpqua Trail), a very beautiful trail that has notoriously bad poison oak. Good way to start a trip. Right?

Whoa. I thought I was big.

I hiked all the way to the top of Toketee Falls.

On the second morning of our trip we hit the Umpqua Hot Springs. We wore bathing suits. Others did not. I stared.

The sign at the end of the Cape Blanco State Park road said the campground was full when we got there. OMG. The bigs ignored the sign and drove on. There were three spots left. PHEW. Good job Bigs.

Look at the view.

I LOVE lighthouses.

Here I am trying to build my own.

We were the only people on this whole beach.

Mom is always making us take family pictures. I do NOT like it.

Floras Lake Beach on the way home from Blacklock Point.

Let's skateboard, Mom.

A very nice old man took the camera away from Mom during yet another one of her stupid family picture attempts and took it for us.

We cooked sausages and marshmallows on the fire. I liked cooking the marshmallow, but not eating it. Hot. Gooey. Yuck. The Bigs were happy to eat mine.

We spent the whole day playing at Secret Beach. The Bigs went swimming. The water was 55 F. No thank you.

We worked up quite a hunger and stopped at the Crazy Norwegian's Fish and Chips.

The bigs ordered fried oysters as an appetizer to share. Not at my table. You put down fried oysters, I'm eating them all!

We stopped at Devil's Kitchen (hmmm...I like to cook. Think the bigs were trying to tell me something?) on the way out.

We spent our last night back on the Umpqua River.

We are afraid of no body of cold water.