Meera is three!

Posted by: Becca and Kyle
I was under the impression that birthday parties were dinner with the neighbors and some chocolate cake. The Bigs have some explaining to do. Meera had her third birthday party at a gym.
And, juice boxes?! Why is this the first time I have seen one of these things?
We went to Hola! to celebrate the Bigs 11th anniversary. Thank you, Nana!
Mom and Dad had a whole pitcher of margaritas. Good thing we rode bikes there.
Cause Limena: Traditional preparation of Peruvian Tataki spicy tuna, with Aji pepper, key lime infused mashed potato and pressed into a cake. Served cold, with avocado, cilantro oil and fresh scallions.thumb_IMG_3512_1024
Lenguado al Chorrillo Bay Style: Halibut, prawns, calamari, onion and tomatoes wok-fried with chorrillana style sauce.thumb_IMG_3514_1024
I had a chicken burrito, but I would have been just as happy with a bowl of their green salsa and a spoon. I LOVE that stuff. thumb_IMG_3517_1024
The weather forecast said 60's and sunny, so we said - let's go paddle boarding. The weatherman was wrong. That's OK because we went to Newberry Monument and saw many beautiful things. thumb_IMG_3528_1024
Paulina (left) and East (right) Lakes.
Paulina Falls.
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