January 2012

Log Bed

Posted by: Becca
The downstairs guest room in the cabin didn't have a proper bed. It looked like this:

We started construction on a log bed to replace this 'platform bed' about three weeks ago. The plan was log posts and redwood headboard and footboard. The mudroom doubled as a project room.

Here's Kyle working on the headboard. Yes, he did most of the work, but I helped.

I'm pretty sure between this project and the desk job, we used every tool we own. Kyle made a neat jig for making the mortises in the headboard with a router.

The headboard and footboard with and without stain.

The new bed frame in its new home...we put it in the upstairs room instead of the downstairs room.

Made up...

The downstairs room with the bed that was in the upstairs room.


Office Makeover Part I

Posted by: Becca
Our office was OK for occasional use, but with two of us needing somewhere to work on a regular basis it was not cutting it. Plus, it was lame looking.

We looked at desks everywhere, but could not find something we liked. So, we decided to make our own. Which really means Kyle would make them. He started with four eight foot long, four foot wide and 3/4 inch thick pieces of plywood. Two of the four pieces were 'fancy' plywood (hardwood plywood with birch veneer). They were used for the visible portion of the desktop. Two pieces were cut down to 8 x 2 and combined to make a 1.5 inch thick surface. The other two were cut down to 6 x 3 and also combined. They were sanded, stained, and polyurethaned. My minor contribution besides taking pictures and holding things was staining and polyurethaning. We went with a red mahagony stain and satin polyurethane.

We ordered a couple of file cabinets to use as legs, and Kyle made tops and bottoms to increase the height of the cabinets and to attach them to the desktop.

Here one of the file cabinets is sitting in its new base.

Now with the top added.

Here I am in my staining 'sweatshop'. Many brain cells were killed that day. That was the stinkiest thing I have ever done.

Here is one new desk.

And the other work space.

Adding my desk took away a lot of shelves. The solution to the lost storage space came in the form of an unused closet. Kyle added six shevles and made it into an awesome bookshelf!

We're not done with our office makeover. Still to come is a new bookshelf to replace this guy...

a slightly less make shift home for the plants, and hopefully a ceiling fan that better matches our new 'look'.
