October 2009

Snow Day

Posted by: Becca
Imagine the Element going head to head with a Chevy Avalanche.

Chevy Avalanche VS Honda Element

Maybe, if it had been a fair fight, the Element would have stood a chance. Instead the Avalanche fought dirty and hit the Element while parked in a parking lot! The truck slipped on ice, jumped an 8 inch curb, and clobbered the Element. The Avalanche had little damage, the Element was found spun 45 degrees from its original parking spot and has been rendered unusable. Poor little Element.

The snowy days made for some pretty sunrises.



Posted by: Becca
Winter is on its way. We woke up to snow and temperatures in the teens on Sunday.

A few weeks back we cut a bunch of wood, but it still needed to be chopped. Kyle did the chopping. I tried to chop, but my lame swings did nothing. Personally, I think Kyle gave me the toughest piece of wood in the pile. It took him 55 swings of the maul before it split! I can't sit by and watch someone else work, so I stacked.

You may be thinking - boy, Kyle sure does a lot more work than Becca. Not so! I also made spaghetti sauce and meatballs from scratch. The house smelled just like ours did on Sundays when I was little - browning garlic and baking meatballs. YUM. I thought about those meatballs all day today...

Action Sequence of the Mountain Man

My Stack



Posted by: Becca
When Jamie and Kerri came to the cabin they brought homemade jam. It was so delicious I had to try and make it. One thing lead to another and after a batch of strawberry pineapple jam I made deviled eggs, pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, apple cranberry crisp, and oatmeal bread. Kyle has been doing a lot of training - so the extra calories will not be wasted! Jamie's jam recipe: 8 cups of fruit, pectin, and 1 cup of sugar. Mash the fruit, add the pectin, and bring to a boil. Boil for one minute, add sugar, bring to a second boil. Yum!
