
Posted by: Becca
Winter is on its way. We woke up to snow and temperatures in the teens on Sunday.

A few weeks back we cut a bunch of wood, but it still needed to be chopped. Kyle did the chopping. I tried to chop, but my lame swings did nothing. Personally, I think Kyle gave me the toughest piece of wood in the pile. It took him 55 swings of the maul before it split! I can't sit by and watch someone else work, so I stacked.

You may be thinking - boy, Kyle sure does a lot more work than Becca. Not so! I also made spaghetti sauce and meatballs from scratch. The house smelled just like ours did on Sundays when I was little - browning garlic and baking meatballs. YUM. I thought about those meatballs all day today...

Action Sequence of the Mountain Man

My Stack

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