January 2010

Momma C & Chief Al Come to Town

Posted by: Becca

Momma C & Chief Al were in town this past week. We did a little sightseeing on the first day, stopping at the Spice of Life in Manitou for coffee and then heading over to the Air Force Chapel. There was a wedding in the chapel - so we didn't get to see much of the inside.

Outside the Spice of Life

Air Force Church

We spent most of the week at the cabin, where Momma C did too much cleaning and Chief Al did unnecessary shoveling.

I Must Clean This Dirty Stove.

Shoveling the Deck

The skiing was great and it was wonderful to be able to spend time together. We got to see a moose which was an added bonus. Unfortunately Michelle was not here with her superdooper fancy lens, so it's not a great shot of him.

Breckenridge Peak 9 Moose

Post Skiing Coffees

Dinner at the Blue Star
